t h e s i t t e r

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|i don't have a theme thing bc i'm uncreative so here's my husband instead|

|i don't have a theme thing bc i'm uncreative so here's my husband instead|

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warning; high school au <3
requested by; stay_blissful

"i don't understand why i can't watch her," seth huffed. he kicked his feet up on the coffee table, grabbing the tv remote. "you don't need to pay some random high schooler to come babysit."

seth's mom crossed her arms over her chest, raising an eyebrow at the boy, "seth, last time we left courtney alone with you, she drew on all of the walls, you fed her ice cream for dinner when i clearly told you to give her something healthy, and when we came home she was crying because you yelled at her."

seth's dad entered the living room, placing his hand on his wife's shoulder. "plus, we think you'll really like the babysitter," he added.

seth rolled his eyes. he wasn't in the mood for some random girl from school to come ruin his night. he wanted to relax and maybe do a bit of studying as he spent most of his week training for his upcoming football game. he really had no time to have somebody bother him.

"courtney, come say bye!" seth's mom yelled.

a pitter patter of small feet could be heard running down the stairs. the small girl threw herself into her mothers arms, squeezing her tightly. "i'm going to miss you guys!" she exclaimed.

"we'll miss you too munchkin, but we'll be back tomorrow evening alright," her dad smiled, patting the girl's back.

courtney nodded, moving her long brown pigtails over the back of her shoulders, "bye mama, bye dada!" she waved.

as the parents left the house, courtney made her way over to seth, jumping on the couch to sit next to him. "who's coming over to watch me?" she asked, excitedly kicking her little legs back and forth.

seth shrugged, "i don't know cora. hopefully someone who has the decency to leave me alone," he mumbled, "they should be here in a few minutes, go wait by the door."

seth managed to grab his backpack from his room and drop it by the couch before he heard the doorbell go off. he walked to the door where courtney was hopping up and down waiting to see who was here to watch her.

seth opened the door, eyes immediately drawing to the dark blue hair in front of him.


he knew his parents did this on purpose. they knew about his long term crush on the girl and they were always begging for him to ask her out. he never had an official girlfriend before, just pointless two week relationships here and there.

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