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for now- lauv au ✨ (peep a lil face reveal at the end of the chapter even though i've already done one)
i send you pictures all the time, of our friends when they're too drunk and telling stories.
"dean, that's an apple, not a tennis ball," sasha laughed, doing her best to steadily film the confused man. he'd had one too many drinks at this point to say the least.
"what's the difference," he slurred, dropping the green fruit on to the floor. sasha clicked send on her phone, sending the video to her boyfriend. seth has been studying abroad in italy for the passed 6 months. it'd been pretty hard on sasha as she wasn't used to being away from him, so their friends frequently visited the couple's home in los angeles.
renee grabbed her husband's arm, sitting him down on the white sofa. "i should probably take him home," she chuckled, looking over at sasha.
the blue haired girl smiled, "dont forget to take the cupcakes. i most definitely won't eat them all myself."
when dean and renee finally left, sasha felt the loneliness sink in again. she never admitted to seth, how hard it was for her to be without him. if he knew, he'd book the first flight back to her and she didn't want that. he was out living his dream as he should be.
she cleaned up around the house, washing the dishes and folding up some blankets before deciding it was time to head to bed.
she took a quick shower, did her skin care routine, and brushed her hair and teeth before climbing into the empty king sized bed.
she pulled the grey comforter over her small body as she leaned against the head board, pulling out her phone.
she accepted it faster than she could process who was calling, but the second she heard his voice her heart broke out into flutters.
"hello beautiful," seth said through the phone, clearly tired as he'd probably just woken up.
"hi baby," she cheered, happy to hear his voice again, "did you like the video i sent you earlier?" she asked with a giggle.
seth chuckled, "i loved it. i miss you all so much, but you especially."
sasha blushed, "i miss you too bubs."
"it's almost summer though. i'll see you at the end of june," he said happily. sasha nodded wishing he could just be with her right now. she missed having arms to hold her in.
"how's italy?" she asked, with a sigh. she's always wanted to go and she would've gone with seth, but she had a clothing line to take care of here in la.
"gorgeous, but it'd be ten times better if you were here."
sasha melted at his words. they dated for a solid five years and she still never got over his dumb compliments and pick up lines.
"i gotta go help my roommates study, but i'll call you after classes okay," he said, disappointment clear in his voice as he didn't want to leave her.
"ok," she sighed, "i love you so much baby!"
seth made a kissing sound through the phone, "i love you too angel. ciao ciao my love."
with that sasha was left alone once again. she put her phone on her nightstand and turned off the lamp, adjusting to the dark.
the bed was cold without him, but soon he'd be here holding her tighter than ever.
but for now they had to love each other through the phone.
until he came home to her.
a/n had a photo shoot on my trampoline today and almost broke my phone and back 948393 times but it's cool.
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