y o u r m i n e

504 10 37

requested by; stay_blissful
warning(s); there was supposed to be smut, but i ended up not going all the way with it bc i kind of felt uncomfortable. sorry!
-high school au

also; song isn't too much related just a few lines <333

+; not proof-read oops 🙊

sasha walked into class twenty minutes late

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sasha walked into class twenty minutes late. the teachers were used to this behavior by now. the girl had only been at the school a few weeks, but she made sure everyone knew who she was.

she didn't have to try very hard for that actually. all of the guys were automatically attracted to the blue-haired girl. they chased after her like dogs.

"so what's your reason for being late today?" mrs.harris asked, a stern look upon her face.

sasha shrugged taking a sip of her iced coffee as she set her items down on her desk. all of her classmates had stopped paying attention to their work to focus on her.

"oh I got here on time, I was just in the bathroom doing my makeup," she smiled, throwing one of her long blue locks behind her shoulder. mrs.harris shook her head before continuing her work along with the other students.

sasha sat down and glanced around the room. in front of her was one of the hottest guys in school, finn balor while beside her was none other than seth rollins.

seth was an interesting one. everybody knew of him. He was your stereotypical 'bad boy' who spent his days breaking girls hearts, partying, etc.

sasha slightly smiled at him before being interrupted by finn. "whatcha doing later?" he asked, biting down on his lip.

sasha shrugged, twisting a strand of hair around her finger as she stared into his glistening blue eyes. "i don't know," she replied before tracing her eyes back over to seth who seemed to be fuming.

"maybe we cou-

"balor you better be getting your work done!"


"so i was thinking a bright red dress, but then again blue would look a lot better with my eyes," alexa ranted, leaning against the locker beside sasha's.

alexa was another popular girl. Instead of getting jealous over sasha, like the bella twins, she decided to befriend her.

"lexi, it's a wedding. don't wear bright red, defiantly go with the blue," sasha instructed, "now which snack should i take to english? i have goldfish and graham crackers."

"mmm, i think the graham crackers," alexa decided, "only because I want the goldfish." she snatched the bag from her best friend's locker before strutting away at the sound of the bell.

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