Chapter 4

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Shawn packs his bag up and sighs at his family. He will keep one bag in the back of the cars that he drives the most frequently. If he always has his military bag then he'll always be prepared for the worse. "Shawn?" Dylan calls. She hasn't been super understanding but she has been nicer than before. She doesn't get how he could want to spend so much time away. Dylan hates going to work and it's generally just in another room of the house. Regardless she's accepted the fact that he won't be around as often and she's learning to be okay with it. She knows that his homecoming will be special. It'll create great bonding moments with their kids and help them become closer as a family. Jersey is already starting to distance himself. Soon he'll be driving and he'll never be home. Dylan has and Shawn have already come up with his boundaries and curfew and limitations. They'll explain them to him when he's a little bit older. He doesn't need all of that right now. "Shawn we need to talk!" She whines walking into the bedroom.

"Sorry my love." He turns but she dodges his kiss. He sighs but nods kissing her cheek anyways. Their night was sweet but she didn't want to go off with him and she didn't want to lay next to him. He's been doing his best to keep quiet so their rug rats could sleep peacefully. He likes watching them sleep it's always soothing to him. "What's up?" He hums shutting his bag.

"I don't want you to go. I want you to call it off." She nods and he chuckles. She knows as well as he does that it means nothing. She'll beg everyday until he leaves but still it won't be enough to change his mind.

"I know sweets but I can't do that and I won't do that. Four years isn't that long when you think about it." He hums kissing her forehead while they dance slowly to the music humming in the background.

"Morning mama, morning daddy." Miracle worms her way in between them. Shawn and Dylan has never been as happy as they were on the day that they got their babies. Dylan was also more nervous than she'd ever been in her life but everything was normal. She had her cesarean and was out for hours. There was a point in time where they told Shawn that they weren't sure Dylan or the babies would make it but his love just took a long nap which she'd earned and the babies needed a little more time to get used to the outside world. It didn't take much more than a couple of minutes for his babies to be alright again and while it took a few hours for his wife to get back he let her sleep, after the wonderful little things she managed to pop out he gave her the rest that she deserved. Their day got even sweeter when Jersey came into their lives. Dylan felt terrible to hear about his birth mother but Jersey didn't. He knew that he was meant to spend his life with Dylan and Shawn which is exactly what he's getting to do. He even went through an insanely unsettling phase where he would tell Shawn and Dylan that he remembered Dylan. That he remembered when he was born and his mama held him but he wasn't ready then so they helped make him better and sent him back but he went to the wrong person by mistake. He says that Shawn and Dylan have and will always be his parents.

"Good morning baby girl how'd you sleep?" Dylan rubs her hands over her daughters back. Miracle and Angel lay in bed at night waiting for Dylan to come up so that she can give them chills, as they call it. They love when she plays with their hair and scratches their heads and basically everything that she does. Dylan runs her hands up their backs and they always relax more after. They love her touch and for the most part it's something they need to fall asleep.

"Good." She shrugs looking at the time. "I'm so used to waking up for school I forgot we didn't have any." She looks slightly embarrassed while she stares at the ground. "I wish I could've slept in more." She huffs and both her parents giggle.

"Well I just finished breakfast Bubba why don't me and mama come back up and cuddle you so that you can sleep more?" Shawn hums to his daughter. He wants her to feel well rested and her other siblings are still sleeping so she deserves the rest too.

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