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Ozpin laid back on his chair while sipping on his cup of coffee, soon grabbing a piece of paper and started reading before sighing to himself. Slowly standing up and stared outside his window "It has been a while, huh? I wonder where you are right now old friend.." He muttered before turning around and heading towards the elevator.

Heels clicking was heard throughout the silent halls of Beacon, Glynda, making her rounds checking if the students was in their dorm rooms and not making a ruckus.

After that, she quickly made her way to her office but not before bumping into Ozpin. She quickly stood up and collected herself "You must be thinking of something if you're still up this late Oz."

Ozpin looked down for a moment and looked back up to the blonde woman before sighing "Glynda.." He turned around and motioned for her to follow. "Ozpin? What's wrong?" Glynda caught up to him before giving him a worried look.

Ozpin walked outside with the blonde woman "I failed him.." Ozpin said shakily before turning towards her "I sent his sister to her death.. I.." Glynda eyes widen, a sorrowful look flashed across her face before slapping Ozpin. "You know she wasn't ready! You know she had no experience yet you sent her out because of what?! Because you believed in her nonexistent skills?! She's smart but not strong!" Glynda yelled, holding her tears back.

Ozpin hung his head "I.. We need to tell him.." Glynda clenched her fists and looked at the man "He doesn't deserve this.. He doesn't.." Glynda muttered before letting the tears roll from her cheeks and walked towards the bullhead.

Ozpin reluctantly followed her.

The ride was.. Quiet, both Glynda and Ozpin refused to talk to each other nor even look at each other.
(Y/N), was arguably one of the best huntsman around. Graduating from Beacon. He was in Junior's drinking while smiling and looking at the photo of his sister.

"Lover?" Junior slide another bottle at him. (Y/N) chuckled before shaking his head "My sister, she just got into Beacon along with her friends Ruby and Yang. I would be lying if I said I wasn't proud." He said before finishing the bottle and grabbed the other.

"Well, I'm proud for you man." Junior opened his own bottle "Cheers?" He rasied his bottle, (Y/N) chuckled "Cheers Junior but I think I'm done for the night. Can't have my mom worry about me." (Y/N) stood up then paid for the drinks and nodding at Junior then left the bar, smiling to himself.

(Y/N) walked back to his home, pulling out his greatsword and twirls it around before suddenly throwing it towards someone.

"Is that how you treat an old friend?" (Y/N) smirked and turned to the dusty old crow. "Not really. But if this old friend is following me, I would." You both stared at each other, an intense and uncomfortable air was now forming around you both.

After a while, you both laughed wholeheartedly. "Assuming you're heading back home?" Qrow asked before taking his flask out and started drinking from it. "Yeah, can't let mother worry too much, what brings you around Qrow?"

Qrow finished drinking and looked at (Y/N) "Well, Ozzy wizard called me in, wanted me to tail a student he sent on a suicide mission." (Y/N) chuckled at his friend's comment, "Every mission is a suicide. Well, I believe that student can handle themselves if Glynda is still teaching combat class." (Y/N) said with a smile plastered on his face. Qrow raised an eyebrow at this and smirked before patting his back "You know, you gotta tell her how you feel man." Qrow slurred and chuckled.

(Y/N) groaned from this and chuckled slightly "Soon old friend. Soon." (Y/N) looked at Qrow and gave a nod before both of them walked in seperate directions.
Meanwhile, a raven was watching them silently, filled with guilt before following (Y/N) back home.

Once the raven was confident you were back home, it landed on the roof and silently cried to itself "(Y/N)... I'm so sorry... I didn't meant for her to die..." Raven said after transforming, soon hugging herself before laying on the roof and closed her eyes "Please... Please Oum let this be just a horrible nightmare..." She muttered before darkness surrounded her.

(RWBY) Glynda Goodwitch X M! Reader (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now