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(Emerald POV)
I sat bored while watching (Y/N) practice at a distance. 'What's so special about this guy anyways.' I groaned as I kept watching him, anticipating anything to change.

I started to pick some pebble up and threw some at the trees while still watching him. 'Do something already.' I looked at him and quickly realized something. I smirked.

(Qrow POV)
I sensed something was wrong. It could be that I'm just drunk, that heat. "NO!" I quickly stood up and ran towards the heat. 'No no no, it can't be. You promised to never use it again!'

I began sweating from the heat as I barged my way outside and saw (Y/N) in his fiery form, a dark crimson red crown sat atop his head, a void black wing has erupted on his back, his arms abnormally long, a dark blue blade on his left arm and a large sickel shaped weapon on his right.

"(Y/N) WHAT THE FUCKIN HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled as I saw a green haired girl backing away from him, I groaned and dashed towards her and immediately ran far away from him.

I dropped the kid on the hallway and immediately made my way to Ozpin's office. About to press the elevator button, the door opened up to reveal Ozpin, Glynda and Ironwood.

"HURRY!" Ozpin yelled as Glynda and Ironwood immediately rushed outside to find (Y/N).

"Something fucking happened Oz, if Cinder Fall sees him, we arw done for! You know how easy it is to corrupt the kid!"

Ozpin looked uneasy "Go with James and Glynda!" I nodded and ran away immediately.

(Ozpin POV)
I ran and made my way to Team RWBY's dorm and knocked rapidly. Blake opened up and immediately, she got worried.

"Prof Ozzy! What can we do for ya!" Yang yelled from her bed as she was playing something on her scroll.

"Call team JNPR, I need you all to find Cinder Fall. The woman in a red dress that you've fought in the hospital! Find her and capture her, this is urgent!"

(Blake POV)
'This is bad if professor Ozpin's outside our door and assigning us a mission out of his office.' I made my way past him and barged in "Guys, assignment! Now! We're finding Cinder Fall! Woman in a red dress! Ren, Nora, you two saw her!" I yelled.

Nora and Ren nodded while Jaune and Pyrrha looked confused at me. "JUST GET READY!"

Running back to my dorm to grab my weapons and dusts and made my way outside. "Find Cinder Fall, capture her."

"Simple enough." Jaune said with a smile.

"Don't underestimate her. She's powerful than us, but if we all worked together. We might get a chance and knock her out!" Yang said with a shaky but confident voice.

"Team RWBY! Get ready to take Cinder Fall down! 3, 2, 1!"

"BANZAI!" Me, Ruby and Yang yelled while Weiss visibly facdpalmed.

(Timeskip, General Ironwood POV)
Heavily panting as we look at (Y/N)'s smoking body. "Fuck. How did he got stronger?!" I slammed my fist on the ground, creating a small crater.

"It's been years Jimmy boy, 5 whole fucking years. Of course he got stronger." Qrow slurred as he kept drinking.

Glynda was slightly sobbing when I looked at her. Sighing deeply as I slowly stood up, holding my shoulders in pain as I removed the somehow dirt dart.

I shook my head and saw Ozpin walking towards us. "James." I waved and shook my head.

"He's more powerful now Ozpin, if she gets (Y/N) we're doomed. All of Remnant. Not only the four kingdoms Ozpin." I snarled at him.

"Will the four maidens be able to stop him if he did fall to her hands?" Glynda asked as she sniffled.

"No, no one can stop him but himself. If she gets (Y/N) and corrupts him, as James said. We're all doomed." Ozpin looked at me while Qrow and Glynda looked at each other.

"We need to hide him." Ozpin said before turning around and sipped from his mug.

(RWBY) Glynda Goodwitch X M! Reader (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now