chapter 4

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"So is she cute?" Tristan said while he was adjusting his glasses. I told them about Alison and their already hitting on her. Not that I'm jealous or anything (ok I'm kind of) but I wanted to ask her out first. I haven't been with alot of girls though cause I found the girls here boring. But there's something about Alison that attracts me towards her. Maybe it's her rebellious nature that excites me. Honestly, I don't know. But what better way to find out than taking her out on a date?!

"Ok look guys; is it Ok if I can have her this time?" I plead. "Look at our Miguel growing up." Ruben teased."Yeah what happened to you man, you never interested in girls that much so what changed?" Questioned Mike who was now stuffing his face with a hot dog. "I don't know there's just something about her that makes her...different from the rest of the-" "ouuuuuuu" they all shout teasing and laughing at me. "Oh come on guys. You know what? Fuck it just forget that I had this conversation with you guys." I say frustrated. "Hahahh we were just kidding dude." Caleb says still chuckling. "So I can have her?" "Yeah you can have her." They all say in unison. "JINX!" They shout causing some stares. "DOUBLE JINX!!" They say laughing their asses off. I just chuckle and shake my head. Why did I become friends with these idiots.

School ended and when I reach the parking lot, I find a beautiful black BMW motor cycle parked right next to mine, making mine look like crap compared to it. "why are you looking at my motorcycle so much." I turn and I find that the voice belonged to Alison. ALISON!! I really hate myself sometimes.... "Oh..Uhm..hi! I'm uh Miguel. I'm in your math class. Well it's our math class, not that it's ours, I mean um..." she starts to giggle at my lame response and she relplies  "I'm Alison. And the motorcycle you've been drooling over is mine. Now move your ass away from it so I can use it to go home. I've had enough of this shit place." "Damn you don't have to be rude about it. And it's a really nice motorcycle by the way. And judging from it you seem loaded" I start laughing at my own joke, but she doesn't laugh back so I stop...and she's still glaring at me. "You know what? I'll just...move out of your way." I step aside and eat her her drive off.

Right when I was climbing my motorcycle, I stepped on something funny. As I bend down to reach it, it turned out to be a plain silver bracelet with initials on it that said Alison in cursive handwriting. I thanked the heavens for my luck.
I've got one more chance now. I better not blow it.

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