Chapter 7

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We reached the park and first sat on a bench nearby. Once we were comfortable I decided to start a conversation. "So..where did you move from? I was gonna ask you when we were at the cafeteria but we got cut short." "I moved from Missouri." "If you don't mind me asking, why did You mo-" She cut me off and angrily replied "I do mind and it's none of your business." I was surprised by reply and we both stayed in an awkward silence. I saw her eyes soften and she then said "I'm sorry for snapping like that it's just that...I don't like sharing my past with anyone. I never do." I gave her an understanding smile and said "It's ok. I shouldn't have asked." She then asks "Can we walk around now? I'm getting bored of sitting on this bench." I laugh and then say "Yeah my butt was getting numb anyways." She laughs and helps me stand up.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her while we were walking. "Yeah I can go for some food right now." We went to get some food at McDonald's and then  I took her back to her house in the evening cause she didn't want to go home late. " I honestly didn't think that I'd have fun today" she said. "And why not?" I asked. "I don't know. You just look boring" She said teasingly. "Ouch! That honest mouth of yours is gonna get you in trouble one day." I say trying to looking hurt. "Already has." She says smiling. "So um..goodnight Alison." "Goodnight." Before she entered her house I decided to make my move. Here goes nothing.. I called her and said "Alison" "Yeah?" I leaned in to kiss her but tripped on my own two fucking feet and hit my forehead with hers
"Shit, I'm sorry I..fuck!" She started laughing and by surprise she kissed me. Her lips were soft against mine. She then pulled back and smiled. "Goodnight Miguel." After that she entered her house and closed the door, leaving me outside frozen still processing what just happened.

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