chapter 6

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So.... I haven't had any luck yet... but fuck it I'm just gonna ask her out. School is over anyways.

I went to my normal parking spot where I found Alison's motorcycle parked next to mine so I decided to wait for her. After 2 minutes I saw her coming so I gathered up the balls to talk to her. Here goes nothing. "Um.. hi Alison...Again...I was just wondering if you want to hang out sometime..maybe tommorow? At the park? But I totally understand if your busy or something... maybe this was a mistake.But it wasnt a mistake! I you-" I was cut short by her giggling; she then said "yeah you can pick me up at around...two? If it's cool with you"
"Yeah thats ok with me, see you then." "Wait here's my number. I'll text you my address once I'm ready." I honestly didn't think she would say yes but the universe was on my side today. Hell, I might as well by a lottery ticket before this luck wears off! But the important thing is that I got my date and hopefully...this date might go somewhere. Fingers crossed.

It was 2pm and I was ready for our date. Actually I was ready 2 hours ago cause of all the excitement. I decidedh to not wear my usual geeky khakis and instead wore my black thrasher hoodie with a grey shirt inside, and black skinny jeans with black vans. I didn't look bad, and the weather was a bit windy so the jumper was necessary. Oh God please dont let it rain. I grabbed my phone and called Alison to see if she was ready to go,which she was so she told me her address. It turns out she's just a few blocks away.

I found her house and as I reached her door I heard the sound of shatteterd glass that I think someone threw at a wall inside the house. There are voices arguing inside so I move my ear closer to the door to hear well. "STOP IT! WHAT THE HELL? YOUR ACTUALLY TRYING TO THROW YOUR EMPTY BEER BOTTLES AT ME! I CAN GET HURT!" That was Alison's voice. Is she hurt? I was gonna barge in but I heard another voice yelling back in a slurry tone. It was a woman's voice. "IT WAS JUST A BOTTLE! NO BIG DEAL!IT DIDN'T EVEN HIT YOU LIKE IT WAS SUPPOSED TOO!" The woman yelled."Ok. That's enough. Your drunk as usual so go back to your room mom. I'll be back in a few." Mom?!! While I was processing what I just heard the door opened revealing Alison who was surprised to see me. I was startled too and I didn't want to look like I was eavesdropping or anything but my cover was blown the minute she opened the door and saw my posture.
"Miguel?! Why didn't you knock?wait.. where you eavesdropping?" " I was gonna knock but I heard yelling and.. I.. well..yeah. I'm sorry."
Reeaall smooth...idiot..
"It's ok. Sorry you had to hear that...My mom is an alcoholic." She said kind of embarrassed."Oh..let's get going and forget about all of that.It's getting windy and I don't want it to rain before I show you my favorite spot in the park." She smiles and closes the door behind her.

We start walking to the park and I hadn't noticed what she was wearing before. She was wearing dark blue denim jeans, a white Nike hoodie, and black converse. Her hair was also tied in a messy bun.
I was staring and she looked at me and said " Staring is a bad habit you know. Anything you want to tell me? I won't bite." She said giggling at my now hot embarrassed face. "You just look pretty today." "Oh..thanks..You don't look bad yourself. But wait...Oh my GOD!! One of your body part is missing!!" I looked at her confused." What? No..What missing?" She started laughing and said "Your Khakis!" I stared at her for a long two seconds and that's when I burst out laughing.We were both laughing so hard that we didn't even realize we stopped walking. " I'll get you back Alison. I swear I will."I told her while she was laughing and trying to tie her shoes at the same time.

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