Chapter 12

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Miguel's POV
I went to Alison who was sitting in the empty alley and told her about Tristan's house. She had a worried look on her face and said "we're not going there. What if Vitali finds us and Tristan gets dragged into this mess as well" she saw that I was confused and says " Vitali is the guy that's wants to kill us. He's in the mafia as well. He's a made man, which means he's kind of like a hit man or assassin. He's ruthless and stops at nothing to get the job done. We're lucky we survived. But I don't know about next time." She got quiet and then then softly said " you don't have to stay, you know. They're after me and could care less about you. You can go back to your family, you don't have to stay. You barely know me. I can handle this by myself." She said trying to keep a firm voice but I could hear it cracking a little.

She had a point. I barely knew her. And my family, When will I see them?I can still go to them.. But what about Alison? I still need to get her out of this situation. I do like her. I'd risk a lot for her, and I choose to stay. I'll do whatever it takes to get her out of this. It's crazy that I'm doing this and I hardly know her, but I never felt this way with anyone before..But is she worth not seeing my family again?
I'd do anything for her..
I would. I'll find a way to get her out of this and I need a plan, but not right now. It's late and we need to sleep.

"We might as well make ourselves comfortable in this alley because we got nowhere else to go." I said avoiding what she told me. She smiled and replied "I'm right ahead of you." After she said those words, she got up and left. A few minutes passed and she didn't come back...I got worried. What if Vitali found her? What if she's in trouble? I got up ready to go and look for her, then I saw a dark figure approach me.

Oh thank God. I realized it was Alison and relief filled inside me. " why did you take so long?" I asked. She had her hands behind her back. She removed them and replied smiling " I'd found some money inside your pocket when you blacked out and I used it to buy the bandage and other things for your arm. So I bought some stuff  to make ourselves at home here! Well not at home, but this will work for tonight." She had some chips in one hand and a small blanket in the other. "Isn't it really late?" I asked while looking at my watch. It was 12:01. She replied "The supermarket works 24hours. The luck we have tonight is unreal"She said laughing. I smiled and teased "You do know that that's stealing right?" She fake angry pouted and replied " So you won't even say thank you but will focus on the stealing part instead" I laughed and replied sarcastically " oh thank you so much  for stealing my money and using it to buy these things that we so desperately need" she chuckled and said " Keep that up and you'll be sleeping on the cold ass floor with no blanket." "Ok, ok, thank you." She  grinned and said " That's what I thought."

We found some cardboard and laid it in front of the wall so that we could use it to sit on. We sat and covered ourselves with the blanket while eating some chips. It got really chilly so she got closer to me. She caught me by surprise by resting her head on my chest.I hope she couldn't hear my heart beating fast. Her body was putting pressure on my injured arm but as long as she was close to me, I hardly cared.

AN: ( Listen to PCH by Jaden smith for this one!)

After a while she says "I didn't expect you to stay" She looks up and waits for me to reply. I closed my eyes and let out everything I was thinking. " I didn't either. I asked myself earlier why I didn't go back home. I would if I wanted to but..the truth is, I would never forgive myself if anything ever happened to you. I care about you too much to leave. And trust me. I'm not going anywhere and I'll get you out of this, I promise. I know I sound crazy. I know this isn't normal. I hardly know you but here I am going to risk my life to help you. But honestly... I love you. I really do. No one has ever made me feel the way you make me feel. I'm happier when I'm with you. I forget my worries when your next me. When you smile or laugh at my dumb jokes, my heart melts... I want you..I really do. I want to see you smile, make you happy, wipe your tears, make you forget your worries, make you feel safe.. I'll try and give you everything and anything.. I want you. I love you."

A tear rolled down her eye and she kissed me. I cupped her face and kissed her back with everything I had. She pulled back then said those words. Those words I've been dying to hear come out of her mouth. Those words I didn't want to admit to myself I felt, thinking that she didn't feel the same. "I love you too."  I pull her tightly to my chest, scared that she'll disappear if I don't. While breathing her in, I kiss the top of her head and I start to fall asleep the way way should.
With her in my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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