Chapter 8

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Alison's POV

I closed the door smiling and went up the stairs wanting to head to my room. But as I reached halfway, I remembered the reason I wanted to come home early. My mom. My smile quickly dropped and was replaced with a frown. The same frown I had on for 6 years. I hardly ever had time for friends, for laughing, or for anything really. Taking care of my mom was my number one priority.

I found her in the living room sleeping on the sofa with a beer bottle in her hand. When she put herself together she's really beautiful. She has long, straight blonde hair, green eyes (like me), and the most perfect smile. But right now she's a Goddamn wreck. Her skin was pale, she had to many bags under her eyes, and her hair looked like a birds nest. Plus, her clothes were wrinkled and stained with beer and some pasta I had left for her before I went out. I picked her up, put her arms on my shoulders and took her to her room.

My mother, Rachel Parks, was not always like this. When I was a kid, she was a normal parent. Had a job, provided for her kid...just normal. But then she started started drinking when I was 11 and everything changed. I had to work at a fast food restaurant when I was 12 cause she got fired from her job since she never was at work anymore. I used to ask her about my father but she aways dodged the question. And when she was drunk she always became angry when I mentioned him so i gave up on finding him. never really had any time for friends or a life. But fuck it. I'm used to it now. And I got a new job that pays more. I needed it to pay for both school and rent.

I got into some big time trouble back where I used to live In Missouri. so we had to move..far. The people I fucked up with weren't all fun and games. They were gang members in our neighborhood. I cheated them, they found out, now I'm in deep shit.

The past is the past. And thinking about it won't make me any money so I had to go and work.

I was waiting for someone to approach me to buy but when they did..holy was MIGUEL!

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