Chapter 11

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Miguel's POV
  My right hand hurt really bad and my head is spinning from pain, fear,shock, and all the turns she's making trying to loose that man that keeps shooting at us. I've never been or imagined myself in this type of situation so this is a lot to take in. I start breathing fast, my eyelids get heavy, and I black out.

I wake up and I feel someone shaking my shoulders. I open my eyes and I see a blurry Alison in front of me.I look around and I'm in an alley.  I try to get up but my arm hurts. After a few seconds I start to remember what happened. Alison looks at me with relief filling her face and says "Thank God your awake.Don't fucking scare me like that again ok?!"Alison says her voice cracking. I see tears dropping from her face and I feel a slight pain in my chest. I hated seeing her cry. I lift my un-injured arm and wipe the fresh tears that were on her cheeks. "please stop crying. I'm better now aren't I? It's just a small wound I bet I'll be as good as new by tomorrow."she nods but I still see concern in her eyes. I decide to distract her so I ask "So what happened after I blacked out?" 

She sat next to me on floor of the alley and said "We lost the guy that was trying to kill us when you blacked out. You were bleeding a lot so I went and parked in this alley that's next to a supermarket and removed the bullet, plus cleaned you up. I needed you awake cause we need to find a place to stay for tonight. He might be out there somewhere and I don't want him knowing where we stay...i'm so sorry that your in my mess...I promise I'll find a way t-" I cut her off and say "stop. It's not your fault so please don't beat yourself up about it. You saved my life today..Our lives today. We both would've died if it wasn't for you. And plus, you were pretty Badass out there" she laughs and replies "You learn a few things when you've been on the run" I chuckle then say "well we better get going going." I stand up and get out of the alley and that's when I realized something.

Tristan's house isn't far from here!

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