Chapter 10

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I stared at him and he stared back... Things were getting weird so I decided to break the silence. "Didn't take you for a smoker" I blurted out. All I wanted to do was get out of there as soon as possible. My face was heating up and I hated how he made me feel right now.. I mean why should I care? This is what I do to earn a living and no one will make feel ashamed.
Then why is your face heating up.
Shut up inside voice.
He cleared his throat but still didn't say anything. I started getting irritated so I asked " do you want to buy some weed or not. I don't have time for this." Just when he was about to say something, we heard a gun shot. I looked behind Miguel and saw a familiar tattooed face staring back at me with a sinister grin. He put the gun in his pocket and started counting from five backward.. that's when I knew who that dick head was.

..these fuckers again..

I grabbed Miguel's arm and ran/dragged him towards my motorcycle that was at the supermarkets parking lot. Once we reached it he went back into His senses and hysterically asked " who the fuck was that an-" I cut him off and said "Does this sound like the right fucking time for an explanation?! Get on my motorcycle. I'm driving" he looked at me  and stubbornly said "No way am I getting on this motorcycle unless you tell me what the fu-" we heard another gun shot. the guy that pulled the trigger was closer now and was firing even more shots at us. I climbed on and Miguel did the same. When we were were both on it, he placed his hands on my waist and I shivered a little from the touch.
What the hell is wrong me, fucking focus Alison?!
I turned it on and I drove really fast without looking back, praying that he wasn't following us.

after some minutes Miguel replied"ok now can you tell me what's going on?"  "Not right now I'm trying to save our fucking lives" "Driving won't stop you from talking" he said irritatedly. I gave up arguing with him so I replied "fine. First check if anyone's following us." I felt him turn and he then said " No one's behind us. Now please tell me" I didn't know if i could trust him with this but if I die tonight, someone should at least tell my story so it might as well be him.

"back in Missouri, I was in a mafia called The Giordano crime Family. I joined when I was 14 because I needed  money and my mother wasn't working. Bills where pilling up, I needed to pay for school, so I asked one of my friends back home since his brother is in the mafia if I can talk to them. I pleaded them for work, and they said that the only job they had available was drug dealing , so I took it. Every time I brought back the money I made, I used to cheat them and keep some of it. I was surprised that they never even noticed, but they have a lot so I guess they don't realize when a few cash is missing. I wanted to save enough that way I can get away from that place. They were bad people and I wanted out of what they did...But that wasn't possible.

" Six weeks ago, they figured out that I cheated them and that's when I made a run for it. I had enough money stashed in my mattress and some weed as well so I left as quickly as I could with my mother.

" I decided to come here to Nashville. My mother and I stayed in motels for a while just to be safe, but I really did miss school and my money was running out. So after a while, I moved to your neighborhood and I'm trying to start a fresh and be..normal."

He was quiet for a while. I was quiet too. after a while he asked "Does your mother know any of that?" "She's too drunk to care anyways. Even when she's not drinking she hardly ever talks. She just wraps her arms around herself and talks to herself.. I really don't know what happened to her. Everything was fine before. But then she started drinking and that's when everything changed. It's really hard you know. I had to grow up at a young age, be my own just sucks. I know I could take her to a psychiatrist or but I'm sacred.Scared that they'd say that she's mentally ill and take her to a mental hospital. I do love her a lot. That's why I do these things....she's the only family that I have.." My sight became a little blurry and tears started falling from my face. Miguel then removed one of his hands from my waist, lifted his hand and touched my cheek, wiping my tears. He then said softly in my ear "You have me now. You don't have to do things by yourself anymore. I'm here for you and It's going to be ok." He then hugged me from the back and it felt like all of my pain just evaporated. He made me feel peace. I smiled.

I'd forgotten that I was driving and now I was fucking lost.i cleared my throat and asked "Um do you know where we are? I'm still kinda new here you know" He replied "we're far from home. This isn't even our long have we been on this thing?" I laughed and said " I don't know but whatever. Lemme make a turn and we head back cause I'm realllyy tired." I said yawning. "Yeah me t- AHHH!" I heard a gunshot and screaming from behind me. "What?! Whats happening?!"  I look behind and see the same guy who was shooting at us at the supermarket.

Vitali. I never liked him..

He's driving his car with his hand outside his window with a gun in it that's pointed at Miguel. "Miguel are you okay?! Where are u shot?" I can feel his hands slowly releasing my waist so I put his left hand on top of my shoulder and gripped it with my free hand so he that he doesn't fall off. "SHITT!" "Miguel calm down, where did he shoot you?!"
He hissed from the pain and replied "on my right arm" "hold on, lemme loose him then I treat your wound" my heart was beating so fast, I could feel the blood being pumped up my brain.

How the fuck did they find me

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