Chapter 3

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    Standing in front of the man, whom she believed might love her, it was truly a lie. She was barren and had not known that until years into her marriage. If she had known the man would had ruined her life she would had not married him, but she was young and naïve, all she ever wanted was to know the feeling of being loved by someone.

    That wish however was not granted.

     He took a knife in his right hand, and slashed her face with it, until she bled, blood dripped down from her face, and she couldn't stand it, she was shaking in so much fear, eyes widened and lips tightened.

       "With that, I divorce from you for giving me so much of hope- and that you will, never ever be loved."

       She woke up from her nightmare, breathing heavily, she couldn't stop thinking about the pain that she experienced, she felt like it happened again, the pain of bleeding by her lips, that she traced her scars near her mouth using her fingers, but the thing that truly got her out of the bed was the loud sound coming from downstairs. She took out a dagger and slowly stepped downstairs.

          However, she was too late. Dark red blood was flowing out from the lifeless body of her cousin. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, the only family she knew she had was gone, in front of her eyes.  Not knowing the one that had killed her only family was, she quickly ran toward her cousin, trying to check whether she could still save her, and she heard her low heartbeat that was fast, she knew she could still save her cousin and she wanted to.

     She carried her cousin, who was drenched in blood towards the hospital. She knew it was far, but she held onto the hope that she would survive, feeling like it's the only way for her to redeem herself. She was barefooted, on the cold gravel floor while running as if it was the only chance in her life to do something useful. She was crying, crying out for help.

      Some of the town's folks saw her and tried to help her; volunteering to help carry the young girl Luna together and ran towards the hospital. But the young girl was losing so much blood that the chances of her surviving was slim, yet nobody felt like giving up until they reached there.

            "There is no hope left for her."

      The doctor said to Snow's face, she was more surprised than ever to know that was the answer the doctor was ever going to give. She grabbed the shirt of the doctor and started shaking it, "what do you mean no hope left? What do you mean?!"

      "She was poisoned, probably by a snake, there are little marks on her neck, it looks like a snake mark."

    "Snake? Can't be, more like a loud crash."

   "We are sorry, we are not miracle workers, and we are only humans."

     The moment he said that nearly made her cry. She knew from the start, if she lost anyone she loved, she would never recover from the loss. She felt like she lost an important part of her life.

      The town lord came to her during the funeral, where some of the town people had attended, they stood in front of Luna's grave, saying their prayers, and even things they loved about her. However, the town lord was the one that had pitied Snow the most, he looked at her with sympathy in his eyes.

      "So, Miss-"

    "I call myself Snow sometimes, or Cold."

        "Well that is not your real name; we need something to call you by."

         "There isn't a need," Snow left silently walking away from the town people who surrounded her.

      She was being watched by one of the town's folks; he went to the lord and told him, "She looks like one of the travellers coming here; I think she wants to run away from something."

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