Chapter 19

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         The morning sunrises, with it, light shining softly and gently on Snow's face as she opened her eyes slowly. She felt warm as she sat up to see Matt was sleeping on the ground with his chest moving up and down, and a small child, next to him sleeping too. She moved closer to Matt, as she pushed his body slowly to the side only to notice a large burn mark from his back as she gasped.

He was woken up by her voice as he opened his eyes looking at her, "Snow? Are you... urgh?"

"Matt, are you okay?" She said pushing him slightly, to which he replied with a smile.

"This burn marks? It's nothing, it'll heal over time."

She covered her mouth as silent tears streamed down her cheeks from witnessing seeing the damage she had caused. Inside, she felt guilty, she didn't know what to do, left in a state of confusion. It felt as if everyone around her was getting hurt because of what she had done.

He slowly wrapped his arms around her, sitting up, giving her a pat on the back, trying to calm her down.

"No Matt, you can't... I..."

"Hey, it's okay. You are alive, and so am I, that's what matters."

"But you are injured," she looked at him in the eyes before she stood up and started looking around, "I think, I think I can find some medicinal herbs, stay there."

She took a few steps but before she could move anymore, he grabbed her arm and looked at her in the eyes, "it's okay, Snow, you need rest. I'll look for it on my own, just take care of Jason for me."


"It's okay, I am a werewolf, my wounds heal faster, I'll go get us some food. I'll come back."

He started standing up as he walked into the forest with a machete in his hand, cutting off thick grasses along the way. Snow sat beside her adopted son who looked exhausted, as she held his small hands in hers. Tears rolled down her cheeks; she couldn't believe that they even found her, she gritted her teeth in pain seeing her loved ones.

She got up from the forest floor and her arms wrapped around him, as tears streamed down her cheeks. His eyes widened before it lowered and he hugged her arms.

"I am sorry you two, I am so sorry," she whispered.

Tears dropped on the ground; she gritted her teeth with her head lowered feeling frustrated. She never expected things would have to come this way, she felt as if a curse had been placed on her. She knew it was her fault for choosing the path, all the bad karma started coming back to her.

"I shouldn't have even become an assassin; I shouldn't have even become a Silver Blood, I don't deserve to slay monsters. None of this would have happened if I wasn't so rash."

The little wolf opened his eyes slowly looking at his mother figure. He saw her crying and he walked towards her and hugged her legs,

"It's our decision mom, we chose to go with you."

Her eyes opened wide as she lay down next to the little wolf hugging him.


"You have been so kind to us, how could we not?"

"But... You put yourself in danger because of me."

Matt hugged her in his big arms, "because of you, I was saved from turning into a monster, you shouldn't feel too bad about yourself."

She was silent, biting her lips. The only thing she felt was confusion for not knowing what to do. Her body felt weak and was shaking, and she knew that she wouldn't last long without proper help and the fear that she would never repay him did scare her for a bit. She blinked her eyes a few times, looking to her side.

She was about to be executed on the cross, and if it wasn't for him, she would have been long dead, but she was too, shaking in fear, of what was to happen if Matt and Jason were to get caught by the cruel humans.

"We have to go far away from here," she said.

"To where exactly Snow?" he asked in a low, hopeless voice.

"To a place where we could start a life on our own."

They both stared at each other, "we will but for now, you need to rest."

As they managed to scavenge for food, and after enough rest, they started moving, but because Snow was still so weak, she was carried by Matt as Jason followed behind. They walked a long distance together, beneath the thick forest trees and the long grassy pathway.

They would make stops from time to time, and when night falls, they would stop walking. Instead of resting with a small campfire beside them.

That night, the small child had fallen asleep while the two adults stared at each other.

"Hey, Snow, I know this isn't the best time to say this."

"What is it, Matt?" She raised an eyebrow. He put a hand on her cheek and looked into her eyes, the two were silent for a while. He was trying to muster up his courage to tell her, but the words wouldn't form. He bit his lips but she knew.

She put her hand on his cheek, "take a breath and tell me."

"I don't think I ever told you this."

"What is it?"

"...I love you," he said in a small whisper.

"I can't hear you."

He put his finger on her lips, "I'll... I'll tell you once we get there."

She smiled softly, "I hope to hear it too."

For a moment he turned his head away but then it hit him, that if he doesn't say it what he wants now there is no guarantee that he could say it in the future.

He reached out to her, wrapping her in his arms, her eyes widened with her heart beating faster. He stroked the back of her head and moved his lip closer to her ears. She could feel his breath on her ears as her face turned red.

"I love you," he whispered in her ears.

Those words alone made her eyes glisten before she broke down into tears, she never thought she would be loved.

"Even if I can't provide you with children?" She asked.

"I don't mind that, we have Jason."

"Even if I slay creatures?"

"It was a job given to you."

"Even...Even if I..." she started sobbing.

He hugged her tighter in his arms as she cried in his arms, for the first time she felt that it was okay to let out everything she had been feeling. Worries slowly seeped out of her, "I love you too Matt, I shouldn't have..."

"It's alright we are together now.

She couldn't believe that for once she was accepted by someone she loved. She used to fear that everything that she lacked was the reason that she was not loved. For once she felt loved in her life a feeling that was foreign to her until this very day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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