Chapter 12

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      "Matt," Snow said, arms folded, the two of them were walking in the forest together, they were tasked to gather some woods in the forest. Snow carried a basket in her one of her hand, while Matt had an axe in his hand, he had a serious expression on his face, eyes glaring daggers, with his amber eyes gazing around the forest, he couldn't get over the fact that he couldn't fix his relationship with his father but he tried his best to hold his anger in.

"I know that look, you think you can fix my problems, right?" Matt said, looking around, checking whether there was a tree that looked good enough to be burned down in the fireplace.

"I am not sure, but I could try," she said, picking up sticks on the ground, she was wearing her gloves, she didn't want her hands to "only if you accept to work with me."

Matt looked at Snow for a moment, he was looking at her, staring at her for a moment. Snow felt a bit nervous, she clutched her other hand that wasn't holding the basket tightly.

"I don't understand why you try to help me," Matt asked.

"Is it wrong that I would like to help someone?"

"It's just not you."

"I am trying to change," she said with confidence in her eyes.

The two stood still in the forest, as the breeze blew on the leaves gently sweeping them away, looking at each other with silence for a moment.

"You know, some stories become legends," Matt smirked, "if we could be a legend, I want it to be named the Tales of The Werewolf and the Silver Blood."

"What?" Snow raised an eyebrow, and Matt started walking away, she walked to catch up to him, you could see a tiny smile on Matt's face while he was walking.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked she was quite curious why he was smiling.


"Do you agree that if I say that I could try to help to fix your relationship between your dad?"


"Huh? From just one moment ago, you were sad about it, and now you don't care about it at all?"

"I don't care about that anymore."

Snow was feeling a bit confused, she scratched her head, thinking about what she said wrong. Matt looked at her and smiled, "it's fine if you don't fix it, I won't be staying here for long anyway, I don't belong here."

"Just because you are a werewolf doesn't mean you don't belong to somewhere you were born in."

"Well, that's not what I am thinking about currently," Matt found a tree that he felt worth cutting, and he started chopping the trunk.

"What are you implying?" Snow folded her arms, "what else could you be thinking about? I said the truth."

"I belong to someone more special."

"Didn't expect you to have feelings for Lireid," Snow said, she looked kind of surprised.

Matt just stared at Snow, thinking how much denser she could be, or she's just pretending. He looked back at the trunk and started chopping it off once again, he was quite embarrassed, but it seemed like Snow didn't notice at all. She walked towards a direction and started picking up sticks on the ground, and placing it inside the basket.

"Snow, why did you not want to be called by your name?" Matt asked.

"Are you sure you want me to tell you? It's not a sweet story," she said, "it's a pretty saddening one."

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