Meeting Brittany

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Santana's Pov

Its just another slow day at the diner, me and Berry are filling up the salt shakers while she is just yapping about something that has to do with finn but i'm not really listening. There was a ring at the door saying someone was coming in but I didn't bother looking up, i just continued filling the shakers until my boss interupted, thank god by the way i was getting tired of listening to Berry.

"Lopez table five and one needs a clean up and go wait on the customer over at table three."

"Um no disrespect Sir but you do realize that im not the only worker her, why cant Evans do the tables?"

"Evans is on grill duty, now get back to work." I rolled my eyes and proceeded to the tables, once I finished cleaning I went to table three. Without looking up from my notepad I spoke.

"Hi, I'm lopez, I'm gonna be your waiter for today what can I get yo-" I finally looked up and froze unable to finish my sentence. The person in front of me was Absolutely stunning, she had long blond hair, ocean blue eyes, and killer legs. She was wearing a black strapless dress that stopped just above her knees and her beautiful blonde hair in Loose curls going down her back, i could jus-

"Um Ms. Lopez?" Her angelic voice brought me back to reality.

"Huh, uh, wha. Oh Um i-i'm sorry i d-d-didn't mean to u-uh-" she giggled and I felt my cheek get hot.

"It's not a problem at all." Her smile is so beautiful.

"Um... What can I get you?" I smiled Trying to play it cool, miserably failing. What's wrong with you lopez, why are you acting like a dork. Ughhh

"Just a caramel mocho latte." She even likes the same latte as me, that must be a sign right.

"One caramel latte coming right up Ms?"

"Pierce, Brittany Pierce." Pierce what a beautiful name i thought as i somehow instinctively swayed my hips as i Walked away.

Brittany's Pov

I heard footsteps coming towards me so i looked up to find a very cute latina standing infront of me, lookinf at her name tag, it said santana lopez, what a beautiful name she had her hair out in Loose curls. She started speaking and looked up, then she just froze. She was looking at something so i followed her eyes and saw that she was checking me out. I tried to stiffen a giggle and called her name. She started to stutter and blush and it was just adorable how i just met her and I have that effect on her. She took my order and then Walked away swaying her hips, and might i add what a shape she has.

"Here's your caramel mocho latte Britt- i mean Ms.Pierce." I was about to Reply after taking my latte when i hear my name Being shouted from across the diner.

"Brittany Susan Pierce." I turned around quickly and saw my father and sister walking in my direction. I stood up and straightened my dress, when they were infront Of me i broke the silence and spoke.

"Dad, Michelle." I stated in an annoyed tone.

"Listen britt, we all agreed that you would take over the family business if you didn't settle down and get married."

"You're sister is right, so Since you have not or are not settling down you have to take over the-" i panicked and looked over to santana, without thinking i grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to me.

"Dad, Michelle, this is santana... My fiance." Everyone went quiet and Santana looked like her eyes were about to pop out of her head.

"Oh please do you expect us to believe that, you are marrying her." My sister pointed to us both.

"Is this true?" Santana still speechless i ansewered for her.

"Of course it is, why would i lie about something like this." My dad seemed convinvced but Michelle did not but I didn't think to much of it.

"Okay then. I will have a professional plan the wedding, and you're plane tickets ready for next week."

"Plane tickets for what?"

"well for you to introduce the family to your fiance of course." I froze and just nodded and watched them walk out of the diner.

What did I get myself into

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