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Her eyes were closed, drowning in the melodious song that was playing in the background. Black locks fell down her forehead dancing with the breeze which uninvitedly came into the windows. Her right foot was moving against the beats like she was dancing in the air. She was happy, happy at this moment. Forgetting her all sorrows in the magic of music. But her mesmerizing brief period had broken down as her sister switched off the music.

“Hey! How's my look?” Sumi squealed, fixing her eyes in the mirror.

Soumya turned her wheelchair towards the voice, and had a look at the figure. “You look beautiful like always.”

Sumi grinned widely, “thanks, dear.”

“Where are you going?” Soumya asked.

Sumi opened her makeup box and took out one by one and placed it on the counter. She didn't hear what Soumya had asked.

Soumya wheeled herself forward, “Sum, where are you going?”

“Shopping.” Sumi replied quickly.

“Shopping? Why do you need to go shopping? Is there any special occasion?” Soumya asked while eyeing her top to bottom.

“Oh my sweet dumbass sister.....it's Diwali shopping.” Sumi applied her lip gloss and smiled to her mirror image. As if she was selecting the best smile.

“You gotta be kidding me.” Soumya murmured.

Sumi, kept the mascara after brushing her eyelashes carefully as she spoke to her sister, “why would I? I am telling the truth.”

“What? Are you going to do another Diwali shopping? But you have already done it, no?” Soumya reminded her previous day shopping.

“Ah! But my friends told me that's an old fashion type. So I am going to return it and buy something new.” Sumi completed her makeup for today's look.

“It's good. I like it. Anyways it's your choice.” Soumya said defeated as she was not going to listen to her suggestions.

“That's right! It's my choice. You know I always choose the best.” Sumi declared.

“Yeah, of course you do.” Soumya said, rolling her eyes.

Sumi opened the wardrobe and took a money pouch in her hands. “Hey! That's mine.......” Soumya wheeled herself to grab it, “Papa, gave me that to buy new lehenga.” She tried to snatch it from her but Sumi was quick enough to empty the pouch and put them all into her purse.

“Here, nothing is differentiated as yours and mine. It's ours. So your money is also mine. And for your information, technically it's our papa's. Therefore, I have all rights to take it.” Sumi gave a detailed lecture about equality.

“No! You can't take this. I want to buy lehenga.” Soumya said annoyingly.

“Oh come on, Soumya. Look at yourself. You have nothing to do with a new lehenga. Just put it on and sit on the wheelchair. Nobody's gonna watch it and you can not even carry it on.” Sumi gave a reality check on her. But she was unaware of how much it hurts her little sister.

It'd been merely eight months since Soumya got into an accident after coming from her dance class. Her left leg is completely paralyzed and her right leg can move but does not have enough strength to stand. Maybe she could walk on her feet after doing a major surgery but it needs lakhs. Her family couldn't afford the expense of the surgery in their present situation. So they decided to do it when they get enough money.

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