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“It's a very important decision in your life. You still have time to change.” Arun stared down at the invitation card in his hand. It stated Raj Nanda weds Susmitha Mehra. After a week they're going to get married.

“I know you don't like her at all.” Raj stated. He could care less about his friend's dislike towards her.

Arun placed the card upon a table and turned to him, “It's not about my likes and dislikes. It's your life.” He reminded him again.

“I know you are my friend, you always wish the best for me.” Raj tried to convince him. “Trust me, man. She is good. I know she has some high hopes, but that doesn't mean she is bad.”

“She is greedy! Do you think you can fulfill her wishes if she is going like this?” Arun asked.

“I accept the fact she is greedy. She got attracted to my money. But I have a strong belief, I could change her with my love.” Raj had so much belief in his love. “I am sure she loves me too. I can feel that.” Arun chuckled, shaking his head.

“If I ask you something, you will tell me the truth.” Arun spoke.

“Go ahead.” Raj said.

“What would you do if Soumya was in the place of Sumi. You just see her picture and like her not aware that she is being a handicap. Then, what will you do? Soumya or Sumi? Which one do you choose?” In spite of knowing his answer Arun asked just to make sure.

“Certainly I choose, Sumi.” Raj declared.


“Because she is not my type. My Sumi is different from her sister.” Raj said grinning. Arun nodded in understanding.

“I have been noticing some changes in you. Don't think I haven't seen anything.” Raj said with a teasing smile on his lips.

“Changes? What are you saying?” Arun got a little idea of what he was going to ask. But he put on an innocent face.

Raj scooted towards him as it was a secret. “What's going on in between you two?” Arun raised his eyebrow, “Soumya and you.”

“Nothing is going on between us.” Arun assured. “I did help her but that can't be defined as love.”

“I thought you guys were....” Raj misunderstood his caring towards her as love.

“I don't waste my time on such things. A lot of things are yet to be completed. In all the chaos where did I get time for love? So there is no love blooming in me, at least not with her.” Raj's face fell with disappointment as all his expectations were wrong.

“After your marriage I have to get back into my life.” Arun said.


“Sumi,” Soumya called loudly as she was lying on a bed.

“Sumi, ma called you for dinner.” Soumya called her again.

“Sumi--oh my god! You were crying?” Soumya tried to make her sit. “Sumi, what's happened? Why are you crying?” She got worried as her sister was crying.

“Please tell me.....what happened???” Soumya implored.

“Ra-Raj--” Sumi said between her sobs.

“Raj? What happened to him? Did you guys get into a fight?” Soumya asked. Sumi shook her head in negative.

“Then why are you crying? Sumi, please tell me dear....” Soumya lifted her chin.

Sumi wiped her tears and looked down at her sister. “You know what, Soumya, I was not a girl who believed in true love. I just want a rich man as my partner for living a luxurious life. That's why I decided to make Raj as mine. Initially my approach towards him was apparent to make him fall for me. But I didn't know when I started to fall for him.” Sumi took a deep breath as she started her confession.

Soumya squeezed her hand slightly to continue, “Love is something we can't predict when it happens. It's not in our hands. I was not aware of what's happening in me and how much I love him until today.”

“What happened today?”

“Yes, Soumya. Today I thought I lost my Raj forever.....” Sumi whined.

“Sumi!” Soumya had no strength to see her sister crying.

“He mentioned to me about those days you were chatting.” Soumya's eyes went wide. Sumi nodded in affirmation. “I was afraid. What if he finds out I did cheat on him. Obviously he will break up with me and stop this marriage. I can't imagine that.....”

“I am afraid! I am really afraid of losing him. I can't let that happen....” Sumi caught her hand and pleaded with her glistening eyes.

“Promise me you won't tell him it's you.” Soumya was in a daze. It's not merely a promise she was asking. Instead, she's forcing her to tear her heart.

“You know I love him a lot. I can't live without him so please promise me you won't tell him ever. You love me, right? Do you want my happiness? Then you should!” Sumi knew how to make her agree.

Soumya stared at her, not believing what she was asking. Never did she think Sumi forced her to do something. Anyways she was not going to tell him but yet something was killing her. “I-I promise you! I won't tell him ever it's me....who loved him.” The later part she did tell in her mind not loudly. She couldn't as it's a secret of her. 


“Whatever you are, you are very lucky, Sumi. You caught a big fish.” One of her neighbors chirped. Two neighbors were paid a visit to their home as a marriage was going to be held.

“Yeah, yeah.... She is really lucky. See, her marriage is going to happen with a rich boy.” Another joined too. Sumi pursed her lips. She wanted to shoo these fat ladies from there, but she remained quiet.

“But our Soumya will have to wait a long time for her marriage.” Soumya eyed the lady as she mentioned her name. “Nobody will come forward to take her with a wheelchair.” Soumya looked at her mother with a small smile as she did take this comment as a joke. But Sumi was getting angry at those ladies.

“Suppose if somebody comes, he will marry her with the wheelchair. Poor boy! He has to take care of her and her wheelchair too.....” They both ended up laughing. Sumi turned to her mother who had a worried face. Then she watched Soumya who still tried to put a smile on her face.

“Enough!!!” Sumi snapped.

“Dare to make fun of her again. I will show you who I am.” Sumi warned them. She couldn't take this anymore as they were hurting her sister. “She doesn't need your fake sentiments.” Her sneering made their bad mouths shudder.

“She will walk soon and that too you can see with your big eyes.” Sumi clasped her hands around the handles of the wheelchair as was going to take her from there. “And she will get a better person than your idiot sun-in-laws....” her mother snorted a laugh as the two neighbors escaped from her daughter's wrath.

“What was that?” Soumya asked. “They came for you.”

“So I let them hurt you?” Sumi snapped.

“You should have let it be.” Soumya told. But she was happy her sister came forward to cut their tongues.

“I won't! I sometimes know I hurt you with my words as well. But I won't let others.” She said truthfully. Whatever things happened between them at the end of the day they're sisters.

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