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Soumya was thinking all day about meeting her unknown friend. She didn't know what to do. In reality, she wanted to meet him, but she was not ready, maybe her fear was pulling her back. She knew that her sister could help her.

Soumya called shaking her sister who's sleeping beside her.



Still no response. She yelled, “Sumi...”

“Umm....what the hell is wrong with you? You don't let me sleep?” Sumi asked irritatingly. She rubbed her eyes, “what do you want?”

“I am in a problem.” Soumya breathed out.

“You always do...” Sumi laid back and covered her face with a quilt.

Soumya pulled away the quilt, “it's quite serious. Please, I need your help.....”

“Soumya, it's time to sleep. Whatever it's we can discuss tomorrow. Now let me sleep.” She tried to cover her face again but her sister stopped.

“He wants to meet me.” Soumya squealed.

Sumi sat up, “who?”

“My friend.” Soumya said meekly.

“Your chatting friend?” Sumi asked to confirm. Soumya nodded. “Then go and meet him. What's the problem?”

“I can't.” Soumya said in disappointment.

“Do you want me to accompany you?” Sumi was the one who always accompanied her.

“Sumi....are you forgetting? It's your picture on my profile. Definitely he will expect you to be there.” Soumya made it clear.

“Oh! That's a big problem!” Sumi realized the main fact.

“What will I do? Change your picture? Or tell him it's me not you--”

Sumi interrupted her after finding an idea. “Wait, do one thing we will go together and I'll meet him instead of you.”

Soumya was perplexed. “Why would you? He's my friend.”

“Well, he's your friend. I know that but I can't leave you alone with a stranger. Who knows if he is good or bad?” Sumi said with all concern about her. Sometimes she hurt her sister vocally but that did not mean she never cared about her.

“First I will meet him and make sure he's not a harm then I will tell the truth. How is it?” Sumi chirped.

“That's not a bad idea.” Soumya agreed.

“Ok, tell me about his details like his name, what he is doing and where he is living and so....” Sumi wanted to know about him then only she could handle him well.

“I don't know anything about him.” Soumya lowered her head.

Sumi lifted her chin and asked, “What? You don't know? Then why the hell do you guys want to meet each other?” 

“We did not share our identities. We never get into personal things. Just chatting, that's it.” Soumya said.

“Which world are you two living in?” Sumi asked sarcastically. “I guess he must be like you--a weird.”

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