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“A-Arun?” She did not expect him this time.

“Yes, I am.” He said more confidently as he gave an answer to her all questions.

“What are you doing here?” She remembered the last time what he had told her they would not see each other again. But now he was here in front of her eyes instead of Raj.

A lopsided smile appeared on his lips, “Why? Did you expect someone else?”

“Ah...no, no, I am not expecting anyone.” She denied immediately. “Arun, why did you come here?” That question was still remaining. She wanted to know what his intention was.

“I believe you have seen my message that I am coming for you.” He gave her a daring look to say the other way.

She didn't want to reveal her secret before him. But she was confused by his behavior. “What are you saying? I didn't get what you 're talking about.”

“You didn't get what I am talking about?” He chuckled, “Well, I have to make you clear.” He knew that she was perplexed. She still believed it was Raj who messaged her. “Hi, and Hello, the first two words we chatted. Now you get who I am?” Her eyes went wide. How he did know that. It was sure he had seen the messages.

“No, that's not possible. You are lying. It's Raj.” She whispered.

“Why? Only you could use your sister's picture, can't I use my friend's?” His question caught her off guard.

“How did you know everything?......oh my god! I couldn't understand anything.” She didn't know what to believe. Arun or Raj who was true? “Please tell me you are playing with me....”

“Yeah! I was playing with you but now I am going to end the play.” He walked over to her and held the wheelchair.

“Arun? What are you doing?” She began to frighten as he was taking her outside. “Where are you taking me?”

“Relax, sweetheart, I am not kidnapping you. Your mother gave me permission.” He smiled down at her.

“No! I won't believe you.” She chided. But he did not pay attention to her as he brought her near to the car. “At least tell me, where are you taking me?” She implored.

He was about to bend down to carry her, so she stopped him. “No! I can manage it.”

“But I like to take you in my arms.” He was a stubborn man who took her in his arms and gently placed her on the seat. She had no clue about his demeanor changes. He was not the same man she knew.

“It's going to be quite a long drive.” He informed her as he started the car.

Like he said, it was quite a long drive. They did not exchange a word since the drive began. As they approached the outskirts of town, Soumya's mood visibly lightened as she never got a chance to come to the place.

“Have you ever come to this place?” Her fixed eyes quickly landed on him. She shook her head.

“Where are we going?” She was curious to know where he was taking her.

“We are almost there,” he said.

Their car passed a big iron gate as they came to a view of a huge mansion in front of their eyes. He parked the car and took her outside.

“Oh my goodness! What am I seeing!” She exclaimed. “Is it a palace?”

He smiled when he saw she was eyeing the mansion like a kid. “I will show you a very important person. The queen of this palace.”

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