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“I-I can't--” tears falling from her eyes.

He lifted her chin and asked. “Why? You don't love me?”

More tears began to roll down on her cheeks as her eyes locked with him. She loved him. He was her first ever love. But she couldn't say it out loud as her insecurities stopped her. 

“Arun, please.....”

He knew that she was not ready to accept his love because of her physical condition. Girls like her always think about others rather than themselves. “I want to know, why do you not want to marry me?”

“I am happy you found me. That is enough for me. I don't deserve anything more.” She could see he was getting annoyed by her exaggeration.

“Why?” He huffed. She flinched at his loud sound. He knew that she might scare him, but he had to force her to tell the truth. “Why, Soumya? Why do you not want to marry me?”

“I don't want to be a burden.” She bit her lips so as not to cry.

He raised his eyebrow, “What? Burden?”

“Ha, Arun. I am a living burden to all. I am not a perfect girl for you. You will get a better girl than me who can give you all love.” She said, wiping off her tears. 

He took her hands in his, “Only you can give me that.”

She was not ready to accept that.

“Try to understand, you are inviting me into your life. If you marry me, you will always carry me. I am sure one day you will start to hate me. I can't see that.”

“I will gladly carry you. Anyway I want something in my life to do.”

“It is not a joke.” She said, lowering her head. His love was evident in his every action. But she could not ruin his life.

Arun's eternal love for her increased a thousand times before her selflessness. Any woman would not think twice before saying 'Yes' to him. But here she cared about him and his life. How could he not love such a gem?

Soumya's eyes shot up to him when she felt his hands caress her feet. 

“What are you doing?”

“I promise you, Soumya. I will make you walk. I will make sure you will get the best treatment in the world. Then we will walk holding hands together.” He kissed her feet as he again proved his unconditional love.

“Arun--” she cupped his cheek as she could not see him beg for her consent.

“Please....say 'Yes' to me. Please....” that was it. She couldn't be more cruel to him.

She joined her forehead against him. “I love you!” He stared at her. She nodded in confirmation. “I love you, Arun. I love you so much. You can not even imagine how much you meant to me.”

He holds out the ring before her again, “Will you marry me, Soumya?”

“Yes! I will marry you.”

Words were not enough to describe what he felt when he put the ring on her finger as a seal of their love. For some minutes they did not utter a word, just looked into each other. 

Arun carried her to his car after spending some time with her. He did not notice the blushing woman in his arms as she was trying to cover her face on his chest. He gently placed her on the seat and lingered his mouth on her forehead. 

Her eyes went wide. He smiled, “You have to get used to this. I won't give a warning.”

“You just proposed to me a few minutes ago.”

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