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Soumya was watching from far away from the couples taking their Saat phere. Finally, Sumi and Raj tied the knot. She was happy like any other sister witnessing their sibling's marriage. And she was broken deep down like any other girl, realizing her first ever love ended right here. 

She prayed to God, for giving her sister a happy married life. For making them a perfect couple and giving them all strength to build a good family. And moreover for all blessings to her sister's beautiful life.

Soumya wheeled herself to a tree to refresh her wounded mind. She laughed at her fate. Nobody would love a person just through chatting without knowing who he was. And her love gets married to her sister. What an irony she had!

She did not realise she had been crying until she heard a voice.

“Crying?” Her head whipped at him.


“Are you crying?” Arun took a seat close to her as he pulled out a chair from nearby.

She brought her hand to her tear stained cheeks as if to try to wipe the tears. “No, I am not crying. Something in my...eyes.....perhaps it's dust.” A usual lie escaped from her mouth.

He nodded, smiling as he bought her lie. “Well, take this and clean your face.” He holds out his handkerchief to her.

She took it reluctantly and wiped her tears. He smiled, “Do you want to listen to a story?” She raised her eyebrow, he directly looked into her eyes. “Actually that was my own experience.” He smiled as he remembered it. “When I was a kid, my grandma gifted me a puppy on my birthday. I think that was the best gift grandma ever gave me.” She noticed when he smiled his eyes became small like two twinkling stars. All his happiness reflected in his eyes. It was beautiful! She thought.

“I loved the puppy a lot. Give him bathe, make him eat and play with him and sleep with him. And what not I did every single thing with him......” She smiled as his smile did wonders to her. She was really enjoying his company. His companionship made her forget her pain. He became cured of her pain as well as the reason for her smile. Who's he really? She blinked at him as he caught her staring at him. He always did.

“And?” She implored.

“You know since I had no siblings I considered him as one. I spent my entire time with him.......but one day he ran outside and did not come back.” He paused as he remembered the bad day.

“Grandma and I and our servants searched for him everywhere but did not get him back. Our servant said my puppy might have gotten into an accident and died. That's why he did not come back. I cried a lot that day. I did not believe my puppy had an accident. I was looking outside for the puppy's return. My poor grandma, I gave her a hard time. Somehow she managed to make me sleep. Next morning I woke up with something licking on my face--my puppy. I was so happy. The puppy, I thought I lost, returned to me just like a miracle.” She joined in his happiness as a cute smile formed on her lips.

“Miracles will happen when we lose all hope. For a moment we think we lost everything and the next moment we get it with all its beauty.” She didn't know why he did tell her all this. Did he know about her loss?

“Why did you tell me this?” She asked.

He stood up as it was time to leave, “Every ending has a new beginning.”

She was clueless about his statement. Whatever it is, his story did change her mood.

“Ah...your handkerchief?” She extended her hand.

“Keep it to yourself as my reminder.” He said,

She knitted her brows together, “You're going?”

“Because of him I came here. Now he is getting married. So there will be no way I can come here again. It's the last time we are seeing this.” She didn't know what to say. He's going forever from her. In the little time period she got used to his company. Now he's also going to leave her alone.

“Take care!” He bid his goodbye and walked. “Bye!”

“Bye!” She whispered looking at his retreating figure.


Sumi and Raj directly flew to Switzerland after their marriage for their honeymoon. Without Sumi, their home became more silent. Her absence badly affected Soumya as she had to spend her time alone in the room. Her parents were busy with their own work.

Sleeping was the only solution for her. Her message notification alarmed her to wake up from her little cozy bed. Her eyes widened astonishingly as she got messages from him. 

She quickly opened the messages and read it with shocking eyes. She couldn't believe her own eyes as she was reading.

He: Soumya...

I told you don't hide 

I will find you

But you did not

listen to me

'How did he find out? He is happily spending his honeymoon with her. Then, how? Did she tell him the truth?'

He: Do you think 

never I will find you

He: Enough I am going

to end this play today

He: I am coming...

She felt the room was spinning around her like she would become crazy. Finally, he did find her but it's too late. 

'Raj.... Raj is coming for me. No, no, no...that is not right. He is my brother-in-law. He can't do that to my sister. She will be broken..... I can't let him ruin her life...' She made up her mind to deny him strongly if he claims she loved him. But her determination flew out into the window as Raj's car appeared in front of her home.

She turned her head not wanting to see him and hurriedly sat on her wheelchair to close the door. She didn't want to talk to him about anything. Everything was over. She wheeled herself as fast as could, but she stopped as she heard his footsteps. 

She instantly turned the wheelchair to the washroom to hide there. But all her efforts go in vain as she hears a familiar voice; his voice.

“Still trying to hide from me?”

She didn't want to turn and face him. But the voice made her do so, and she did. 


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