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Weddings are a celebration of love and commitment. It's the universal most sacred union of two souls. It is an all harmonious bond that is made out of love, faith and companionship. And today two souls were going to tie the knot forever. 

Arun was waiting for his bride. He couldn't wait to get a glimpse of her. Never did he think one day he was going to get married to the girl he loved. Apart from Raj and his parents he had nobody to call as a family there.

His eyes were fixed on the direction where Soumya was coming. She was like a queen in this elegant wedding dress. Her eyes were shining like diamonds as her smile reached them. She was happy. She was living the happiest moment in her life.

He couldn't take his eyes off her. The smiling goddess was going to be his within a few minutes. A contented smile reached on his lips but it turned into a sullen face when the wheelchair came to his view.

He suddenly hopped off from the mandap and paced towards her. Sumi and her mother were beside her. They exchanged glances in confusion as he was coming towards them. Before Soumya could even inquire about him, he took her in bridal style and carried her to the mandap. He did not like to make her a handicap before others.

Wedding rituals began one by one. His eyes were on her all the time as he was seeing her for the first time while her eyes were cast down because of his intense gaze. When the time came for the saat phere (seven rounds) he took her in his arms and completed the seven rounds while promising his vow. After they're declared as husband and wife by the priest they were asked to take their seats. He placed the mangalsutra on her neck and applied the vermilion on her head partition. A lone tear rolled on her cheek while thanking God for giving a husband like him.

He wiped her tears and cooed in her ear, “Don't cry Mrs. Arun Verma. It's our wedding. You should be happy.”

She smiled, “Sorry.”

“Here you go again!” He said, shaking his head.

Arun called Sumi and Raj in a room. He said he wanted to say something before bidding their goodbyes. Soumya is also with them. Raj and Sumi were confused.

“Everything went well. So what I am thinking is, why don't you guys reveal your lie.” Arun suggested. Sumi and Raj looked at each other as the word 'lie' caught their ears. Their faces paled.

“I know you guys have some hesitancy to tell. Well, I would like to do the honor.” Soumya looked up to her cunning husband. He was hell-bent on bringing a fight here.

“I am the real one who used to chat with your sister, Soumya.” He dropped the bomb between the lovely couple. Before Sumi could register his words, Raj jumped in.

“Soumya?” Raj turned to Sumi, perplexed.

Arun snorted a laugh, “What? Are you shocked? You did the same then why did you wear that innocent expression.” Raj lowered his head before Sumi's scrutinizing eyes. “You both took our places and played it very well. Now it's time to end.”

“Thank God!” Raj sighed in relief. “Now I don't want to feel guilty. You also lied to me. So now we are even.” Sumi couldn't digest the truth all of a sudden.

“Arun, so you are the right one? Then, Raj came?” Sumi inquired.

“That he will tell you himself. Give him a chance to justify his side.” Raj was shooting daggers at him for revealing the truth unexpectedly.

“But the most important thing is.......actually I don't have any problem because he is my best friend. Perhaps it will affect you.” Arun dropped it little by little, making her impatient.

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