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Everyone was celebrating Diwali in all possible ways firing crackers, lighting lamps everywhere and visiting friends and family and so on. They all welcomed another Diwali except one, Soumya who's sitting inside her room, looking outside the fireworks like a kid. She was wearing her sister's old lehenga which suits her well as her sister's comment.

Sometimes she felt life was a cruel play with the name of fate, especially to her. Her life changed completely because of an accident. Now she was caged inside her room. But now a good thing happened in her life. Her new friend. She got a good friend in him. In those days she was getting close to the unknown guy who was helping her to forget the pain. 

Sumi and her parents had gone to a marriage function leaving her all alone herself in the home. Her mother was willing to stay back here with her daughter but Soumya insisted that she attend the function. And assured them that she could handle herself. So they left after making sure the door locked from the outside. Because when they didn't want to disturb her.

Now she was in her room reading a novel which she had no interest in continuing. She closed the novel and kept back on the table. She stayed there without doing anything as listening to her surroundings. A creepy atmosphere started to envelop her. She looked around to make sure she was safe in her closed room. Yes, she had closed her room from inside. She needed to change her mind. She wanted to find something to distract her fearful soul. She held out her hand and took her cellphone. 

She began to message hoping he was free.

S: Hey

As usual his reply came making her heart beat faster.

He: Hi

What's up 

She smiled knowing he's waiting for her message. She was the one who always started their chat. His reply came the very next second. That surprised her.

S: Alone here 

Family went to a function 

He: Why didn't you go?

S: Not interested 

He: Oh

Now she could feel a relief as he's sitting beside her. She didn't know why, but she always felt like whenever they're chatting.

S: It's raining here 

And there?

He: No but cloudy

She got into the topic more as she disclosed her likes to him.

S: I like to play in rain 

and, do you? 

He: I am not a kid 

playing in rain

His reply made her frown. She was not a kid either but yet she liked to play.

S: Oh funny 

I laughed 

He: I am serious 

I am a grown up man, 

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