Chapter 20 Meeting Fuli's Aunt

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*Meanwhile with our lovers as they settled back into their humble home carrying their left over meat to there dining area and decided to head back outside to enjoying their peaceful time together as one*

-Fuli's Pov-

It's beautiful out here dear *nuzzles him lovingly*

Kion: It sure is my dear~ *licks her cheek before jumping off the rocks*

Hm? *follows after him* what is it dear?

Kion: Why don't we visit our friends for awhile.

Sure! I'd like that, if you can catch me~ Huezzi! *boosts off towards the backlands*

Kion: *grins before chasing after her*

*Meanwhile with Ono & Anga*

Ono: *scouting the area until he spotted Fuli and flyed down to see her* Good morning your majesty! 

Fuli: Oh Ono! Good morning, you know you don't have to call me that

Anga: *flies over to her next to Ono* Well your bound to be the next rulers soon

Fuli: Yeah, heh.. 

Anga: Where's your prince? Hm? 

Fuli: *blushes* I accepted a race but- 

*Kion noticed his Friends Ono & Anga giving him the chance in pouncing on her love while giving her that distraction and tackles her on the ground with them laughing* 

Fuli: Haha very funny, Dear can you please get off me?

Kion: *laughs before getting of her* Okay dear

Fuli: *licks his cheek*

Kion: *purring before smiling*

Ono: Come on! Everyone is meeting you

Kion: Okay? Let's go *runs*

Anga: *leading them the way with ono by her side*

Fuli: *following with equal pace*

*With everyone at the backlands discussing*

Kiara: Ah! Your majesty- *bows towards fuli*

*Everyone does the same*

Fuli: *just laughs* Guys, No need to be bowing towards me like that. Were friends

Tiffu: But it's the proper thing to do towards royalty

Zuri: Tiffu's right Fuli, As a future ruler you have to respect others bowing towards you

Jasiri: That's very true Zuri 

Fuli: *sigh* Alright, My apologies *nodding towards everyone with respect*

Kion: Hey everyone! *Sitting beside his love as everyone started talking*

Fuli: *gives the girls the signal and bows towards everyone* Sorry guys, the girls gotta go *looks towards Kion with a smile and kisses his cheek before leaving the area*

*The girls kissed their loved ones before following after Fuli*

Fuli: Everyone, I have an Announcement

Queen Rani: What is it Fuli?

*The girls just waited patiently*

Fuli: I think Kion and I found a new home on the other side of the pridelands.

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