Chapter 23 Meet up?!

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(Hey guys! I just love the fact that you guys are loving my story! I just can't thank you guys enough! If there is anything I can do this christmas break, let me know!)

Kiara: FULI! WAIT! *running after her and notices her stopping walking up towards a high rock and sitting down*

-Fuli's Pov-

*Looking up towards the deep midnight sky while the stars shining below them* 

Kiara: *sits beside her* Gosh, You really are the fastest legend

Always have, maybe always will 

Cheyanne: *looking down at them* You sure will..

Kiara: *looks up* Woah, who are you?

Cheyanne: My name is cheyanne, I am known as the ancient one and I see you are Fuli's sister in law now correct?

*sighs* Yes, she is Cheyanne.. 

Kiara: Yes, yes I am

Cheyanne? What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be with your sisters?

Cheyanne: Fuli, I always have to make sure your doing okay? And of course they are all doing just fine without me. 

*Bows* I'm sorry

Cheyanne: No need for that now your highness *bows with a smile*

*embarrassed and hides my face* 

Kiara: *laughs* It's what happens as future queen

Cheyanne: Ah, yes you are also the future Queen of the pridelands Kiara?

Kiara: Yes, Cheyanne *smile*

Cheyanne: I'm sure you both will have many adventures with one another and many with your fellow friends as well.

We sure do! *smiles*

Kiara: it was an honor on meeting you miss

Cheyanne: Please dear, your apart of the family now. You can call me auntie just like fuli does

Hey! I do Not! *looks away*

Kiara: *Looking at cheyanne and they both laugh*

Cheyanne: Were just messing with you dear

*Laughs with a smile* I know. 

Cheyanne: Well, I must go now. I'll be here whenever you need anything okay? 

Kiara: Yes ma'am

*Nodded and smiles before she watches her disappear*

Kiara: that was.. 

Incredible, yes I know.. *starts to walk down* 

Kiara: I had no idea.. I'm so sorry this is how you felt all this time..

It's okay, it's about time I told someone other than Kion

Kiara: I'm sure you both will be just fine. As king and queen

*Blushes* yeah, I'm sure we will. 

*Meanwhile With Kion & Kovu*

Kion's Pov-

*Keeping eye contact on a zebra before pouncing on it and biting it's leg off and dragging it away*

Kovu: *smirks* Your doing better

Uh huh- *not paying attention and continues to lead it back home*

Kovu: *starts to help him and notices him going farther into the forest and into the secret cavern towards the "entrance"* Where are we?

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