Chapter 22 The Ultimate Rescue Part 2

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(And we are back! Let's get started!)

Kion: FULI! *roars softly in agony and fear*

Besthe & Angel: FULI!

Anga: *flies over towards her but get's blown back* huh? 

Chulunn: What's going on?? *slowing down with the others*

Ono: It's a long story but we gotta help fuli!

Makucha: I'll see what I can find! *jumps down onto the slope with the help with his mate from beside him*

-Kion's Pov-

What should I do? I can't use the roar! I Won't hurt my queen, I won't hurt my mate! *growls in frustration* 

*Starts jumping down and uses my roar to create a tornado for myself as I slowly comes closer and gets blown back by a strange substance and notices Fuli's reassuring nod but ignores it and tries again but fails and tries once more but it takes him farther from her and falls on the soft patches of grass* No! Fuli! *runs*

-Fuli's Pov-

*groaning in pain as my right leg falling asleep and tries to push myself back up but fails and slowly hangs on with all her strength* Come on.. come on.. 

Thinking: Come on Fuli.. Think! 

*With Makucha & Chulunn*

Makucha: Babe! We need to go back!

Chulunn: *sigh* Okay! Let's hurry!!

*They run back towards the others inside the secret cavern they were hiding from the avalanche*

*Back with Fuli and her thinking process*

??: You can do this Fuli! Be strong!

Meadow: We believe in you! 

Cheyanne: You got this! 

*Shaking her head and realizes the stone and closes my eyes as my paw lets go of the cliff and I start falling towards the waterfall and waits for the impact but nothing came as a bright light starts to shine all around her in a silver fashion and she starts to fly back up towards her friends with my eyes closed using her senses and quick hearing* 

Everyone: FULI! *They shout with tears in their eyes as they were all still in the cave then all of the sudden they became trapped until kion uses the roar to break them out and sees fuli still floating in the air*

-Fuli's Pov-

*whisper* I need to make this right..for my friends & my family

*Starts to fly in the air and starts to spin in circles as the sun reflects and Fuli starts to transform once more and front flips safely down roaring creating a small canyon to where the water can flow safely back towards the pridelands and towards the outlands in perfect condition. 

Everyone: (but Fuli) Woah...

Kion: *still uses the roar to blast the rocks away from the outlands and notices Fuli helping as well and puts paw on hers*

*Together Fuli & Kion blasts the rocks together and sending them far far away from the areas of the outlands* 

Everyone: *Cheers*

Kion: *pounces on his love and licks her cheek*

Fuli: K-Kion! *smiles and kisses him while ignoring the pain*

Besthe: Poa-

Angel: That was amazing!

Ono: Incredible

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