Chapter 24 Fuli Leaves!?

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*It has been the next morning and Fuli starts to get up and wake up his love but doesn't respond and starts to go for her morning run. Kion starts to wake up a hour later and notices his love missing and starts to pace around the den and hasn't find her and decides to go find her*

*With Anga and ono*

Ono: Morning Kion! 

Anga: Morning!

Kion: Morning guys! Have you seen Fuli? 

Anga: I haven't seen her, Let me check *flies up*

Ono: How you been kion?

Kion: I've been fine, How are you guys doing?

Ono: Were doing fine

Anga: yep, what you doing Kion?

Kion: *sigh* I can't find fuli, I know she went for a run but I haven't seen her anywhere..

Anga: Oh, Ill go check up with her *flies away*

*Meanwhile with Fuli*

Fuli's Pov-

*sighs as I started heading up the slope and down the hill making a few drifts along the pathway towards the den* oh, I hope Kion doesnt see me..

Kiara: See what? *behind her*

Ah! *jumps up* oh its just you.. Phew..

Kiara: What's wrong fuli?

*sigh* I just want to surprise kion with something

Kiara: Did you tell him?

No because I want to keep it a secret. He has done so much for our family and the pride lands. I want him to know that I love him so much that I would die for him, that I will do anything to be with him...that ill sacrifice everything I got for him. Sis...he's everything that I could ever ask for and now that we are together, I don't want us to be separated.. *trying to hold back tears*

Kiara: *in shock by her speech and gives her a hug* I'm sure everything will be just fine sis. I got your back.

Thanks.. Ur my sister in law, I know I can always count on you *smile*

Kiara: Forever *smiles*

Foverer *smiles back*

Kiara: Come on, Lets go hunt.

Sounds good to me *follows kiara into the pridelands and down to the grasslands*

*Meanwhile with Kion*

-Kion's Pov-

*sighs walking around waiting for his love coming home and starts to hear something rustling in the bushes and growls* HEY YOU! WHO ARE YOU! *Pounces on the intruder and gasps* Kovu? Viktani? What are you doing here?

Viktani: We followed you here

Kovu: what she means is.. We came to alert you, we have new visitors that are unfamiliar and they are strong.

-Kion thinking: Gosh...not again, why can't we have some peace!? Ugh.. *my eyes start to shut down and faints in front of them*

Kovu: Kion!

Viktani: Brother. Take him to pride rock, get him to rafiki immedently

Kovu: *grabs Kion and puts him on his back* I will sis, be careful

Viktani: *runs off* Ill get the others!

*With Viktani running off, we return to Ono & Anga noticing Viktani pacing around the grasslands and spots Kiara & Fuli pulling their meal up towards pride rock*

Viktani: Kiara! Fuli!

*Ono & Anga start to fly towards them in a hurry*

Ono: What is going on!?

Viktani: It's Kion

Fuli: *starts to get angry* What happened!

Viktani: We don't know!

Kiara: Hold up...We?

Viktani: *sigh* Me and Kovu did a search and we spotted Kion looking angry and confused so we spyed on him and he looked sad and worried..

Kiara: Where are they? *worried*

Viktani: They should be heading towards Rafiki's

Fuli: *runs off towards rafiki's*

*With Rafiki, Kovu & Uncousious Kion*

Kovu: Will he be okay?

Rafiki: Yes, but he must rest and drink plenty of water. Hes got dehydrated..

Fuli: *runs in and stops* okay, where's kion?

Rafiki: Ah, your majesty.. He's laying over here. Come! Come! *leads them over*

Fuli: *thinking: This Is all my fault! I left him alone for too long.. I'm a terrible mate.. I'm not good enough.. Maybe I should tell him.. I hope he's okay.. *

Kovu: *senses Fuli's Hurt and worrying* Fuli.. Is everything alright?

Fuli: *murmurs* I'm a failure..

Kovu: What? Are you serious?

Fuli: *tries not to show tears* I-I gotta go.. *Runs off*

-Nobody's Pov-

*As Fuli starts to run off very far, very fast into her speed accidently bumping into Kiara, she quickly appoligized and continues to run holding back in her tears* *Meanwhile Kion started to wake up and notices her brother in law just staring in the distance and weakly replies..*

Kion: Hey bro... where's Fuli?

Kovu: Kion! *Nuzzles his brother in law* we were so worried..

*The rest of the teams (except fuli) arrived*

Kiara: Kion! *nuzzles her brother* We were worried- *nuzzles Kovu*

Viktani: We saw Fuli running away after she ran into us and it looked like she was crying...

Kion: *getting up with his strength* What!? Why!?

Besthe: Were not sure Kion, but I'm sure she'll come back

Ono: Eh, She thinks its her fault your in this condition Kion.. Kion?

*Everyone seems to look at Kion's shaken state and begins to worry*

Anga: Kion?

-Kion thinking: This is all my fault.. I pushed her into thinking its always about her, its about us.. Not just her but her and me as one.. I need to bring her back to me.. So we can be together again..*

Kion: I'm going after her. Ono, I need you to locate fuli and where she is heading, Anga go with Ono. Kovu, Kiara tell mom and dad ill be gone for awhile. *starts to walk out of the cave and thanking rafiki before heading out*

Ono & Anga: *set off and search of fuli's direction and reports back to Kion*

Kiara & Kovu: *Tell Simba & Nala but Simba already knew that Fuli was gonna be gone for awhile and asks why?

Kion: *looking at the stars* Fuli.. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I pushed you.. I only want the best for us.. Your everything to me, ill die with you and be in the stars with you. I want to grow old with you and be with you till the pridelands ends.. Your the memory of my heart.. *tears fall from my cheeks* I love you Fuli Forever in my life.

(Oh my- What's going to happen? Will Kion learn a new power? Will he find Fuli? will fuli realize her mistake? Foumd out next time. ✌)

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