Prologue - Dork

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2 years before the vanishing of Will Byers.

2 kids, 1 teenager, and 3 adults stood outside of the airport. They were all separated among themselves, the teenager, knelt on one knee to capture a beautiful sunset, the adults chatting their hearts out, and the 2 kids, one of them had a checklist, she checked off one of the boxes on the piece of paper, "I said my goodbyes to everyone," she said as she slipped the paper into her pocket, 

"Do you have to go? I mean, I get it, you have to go live life and continue your job, but, why not here?" The 10-year-old boy frowned,

"Will, you know if I had a choice I would stay, right?" She gently grabbed his hands, "I mean, who am I supposed to almost fall off a roof with?" Will chuckled,

"Told you, we shall never speak of that again. Like you're any better, you'd always zone out during our D&D sessions with the other guys!"

"Not my fault I can't understand the concept, dork." Y/n giggled. Dork, that simple word caused so much happiness in Will that he can't even understand why and how, but it did, and that's all that matters to him,

"Y/n, sweetie! We have to go." Y/n's dad called before turning back to Ms. Byers once more,

"This is it. I have to go." Y/n sighed, "Promise you won't forget me?" Will pulled her into a deep hug,

"Like I'd ever forget you, we've known each other since we were little... well, littler. I'll miss you, you know that?"

"I know, and I'll miss you too." Finally pulling away from the hug, Y/n noticed her parents going towards the airport doors, "Bye Will."

"Hey, don't say 'bye', that sounds too official, how about, 'see you later?'" Y/n chuckled and rolled her eyes playfully,

"See you later, Will." Y/n walked off to the door, a tear threatening to leave her eye. She told herself she won't look back, but she couldn't help it, she saw Will with a tear too, but it left his eyes. Y/n ran over to Will again and took off the bracelet she wears everyday that she made by herself, "Don't get in trouble without me, okay?" Will, with a smile on his face, nodded and put on the bracelet,

"See you later, Y/n."

Breaking News!

Y/n L/n starring in the long-awaited movie of all time! We expect the best of the best from one of the most famous child actresses and most awarded for her age!

We all know our dearest Y/n L/n will appear in a huge movie, this definitely isn't her first rodeo with this type of attention, however, the young, 14-year-old, lady had decided to announce that she will be taking a vacation after the filming of the movie. Could this break ruin her perfect productive streak or will she come out a new person? We have yet to find where she will be going, but we do know is that she is going out of state to avoid people recognizing her. 

"I will be taking a break, yes, but this definitely won't last forever, a girl has got to live a normal life once in a while, right?" Y/n said in an interview we had with---

"Turn that off please."

"Right away, mam'!" Y/n rolled her eyes and looked out the window of the car, the familiar trees stood out to her, that tree stump she would always draw on as a kid, the remains of a tree house they once built, she was even sure that she saw a box of crayons on one of the trees that had a heart on it, memories, she thought as she continued to wait for their arrival. "Where will we be staying?" She turned to her mother,

"Our old house, I managed to buy it again for us for this vacation."

"Next to the Byers, right?" Y/n's eyes were filled with hope and excitement when her mom just smiled.

"Mom! Do you know anything about anyone coming back here?" Will screamed from his room,

"I don't think so! But I know new people are going to be moving in the house next to us!" Ms. Byers screamed back in reply. There's a possibility, Will thought as he turned the radio off and made his way outside once he saw a car going into the next door house's drive way.

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