Chapter 1 - It's Already Later

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The car stopped at the drive way, there came out the driver who opened the trunk to get some suitcases out, a slim lady with a sun hat and a bag, and finally, a fairly short girl with sunglasses on, a string bag on her back, her hair in a braid, and a distinct blue bracelet. Will looked directly at the girl's wrist and looked down at his own, it was the same bracelet that Y/n had given him. The girl went to the driver and told him something that Will couldn't hear. He stood at his porch, still looking at the girl, trying to see if it was his friend that left 4 years ago and he had stopped any type of communication with because of the whole upside down fiasco. "Will!" Mike called which caught the girl's attention who turned her head in the direction of the boys who she recognized,

"Hey Will, who you looking at?" Lucas greeted and looked at the person who his friend was staring at before, he made a quick realization, "Quick question, is that who I think it is?"

"I don't know yet, but I'm about to find out. Be right back." With a sudden burst of confidence, Will started to walk over to the girl who he thinks he knows, and the closer he gets, the more memories came back to him, the same with the girl who took off her sunglasses, and as soon as she did that and Will knew for sure it was her, he stopped walking and Y/n ran towards him and jumped into his arms. "It is you." Will smiled and tightened his grip on her so he can lift her in the air and spin her around,

"Miss me much?" Y/n giggled who buried her face into Will's neck,

"You know it. Did you miss me?" 

"Oh, you have no idea."

Y/n and Will came back to Mike and Lucas who Y/n also hugged and missed. The group spent the entire day filling each other in, the guys filled her in with what happened in the last 4 years, but she had noticed that they were hesitating on some parts and was clearly leaving something out, however, she did the same, she talked about her acting career now but she left out the bad parts of the industry. 

Night eventually came and Lucas and Mike had to leave for dinner, Y/n stayed though, since she lives right next door. They were both on Will's bed when Y/n saw a picture frame next to Will's night stand, she picked it up and looked at it, "Good ol' times, huh?"

"The best." The picture was Y/n and Will on top of the L/n's roof with a whole picnic set having the time of their lives being the little kids that they are.

"What would've happened if I didn't leave?" Y/n turned around to Will who was surprised by the question,

"I don't know, we would probably be the same, I mean, close, probably sick of each other by now but we both know that'll never happen." Will smiled and mumbled, "maybe we could've been more than friends."

"What was that?" Y/n asked with furrowed eyebrows,

"Nothing. Nothing important. I'm just saying, if you didn't leave our lives would've just went on and nothing major would've happened." Will obviously didn't want to tell Y/n about what he had gone through these past 2 years since he didn't want to creep her out and scare he away, so he just avoided talking more about it and continued on with their normal chat. "Told you, 'bye' was too official."

"Well finally, it's already 'later'."

"That makes no sense." Will laughed,

"We said 'see you later,' so, now it's later!" Y/n yawned and closed her eyes,

"You haven't changed one bit."

"Only with you, dork." The word still had the same effect on Will after all these years they haven't seen each other, yet he still doesn't know what it means and why it happens. Will sighed and decided to tell her about it,

"I always get this weird feeling in my stomach with you, ya know? It's like my heart starts beating faster and it doesn't hurt, it actually feels good, like it's great. I can't explain it, but I just wanted to get that out. What do you think?" No response. "Y/n?" Will took a look at Y/n's face who was peaceful and sleepy, he chuckled to himself as he put his arms around her, "I missed you."

Always with You // A Will Byers X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now