Chapter 4 - The Mall Rats

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Y/n's POV

"Come over to Mike's? It's only guys there so,"

"Yeah, like that ever stopped you before, they're having 'girl problems' and you're a girl so..."

"Wow, great observation, Will."

"I can hear your sarcasm through the phone, you know?"

"I'll call you back, give me a second." I put down the telephone for a second to get water when it starts ringing again, "Will, I know I said give me a second but don't actually take it literally."

"Sorry to disappoint, but it's Max. El and I were wondering if you wanted to go to Starcourt with us? El needs some girl time." Max said through the phone, I couldn't refuse that offer since it's either that, stay at home, or go to Mike's. I agreed to meet them outside Starcourt and that I'll be there in like 10 minutes since I'm walking there. I decided to tell Will that I can't go since I had to go somewhere else, I didn't tell him where specifically so that they don't follow us, it was girl time, so. He sounded a bit disappointed so I just said sorry, ended the call, and walked to the mall.

"Y/n!" I looked around and spotted Max and El walking towards me, I waved and we went into the mall, clearly Max was very excited. Once we ran to the middle of the mall, El looked overwhelmed and intrigued at the same time,

"So, what should we do first?" I asked, wanting to cover most of the stores, El didn't say anything so Max and I both looked at each other and chuckled,

"You've never been shopping before, have you?" El shook her head no, "Well, then I guess we're just gonna have to try everything... Ooh. come on!" The three of us headed into multiple stores having little fashion shows and getting a lot of weird looks, we didn't mind it though, they were just jealous. We got El a few outfits, making sure she finds something she likes, not anyone else. They even told me what happened and honestly that was really rude of Mike, clearly lying to El like that. Max got sunglasses, and I got new clothes, so did El. Did I mention, I was kind of confused why and how she's never been shopping before? But I decided it was too rude to ask and just moved on from it. We took photos, got closer, we even tried heels, and I was also dragged away when I went to the bathroom, the girls just grabbed my hand and when I tried to look back I saw a girl covered in her drink, I gave Max a shocked look and she just laughed it off. "See? What I'd tell you? There's more to life than stupid boys!" I laughed and agreed. After that we went to Scoops Ahoy, we even got our ice cream for free since I was a frequent customer and El and Max were apparently close to Steve,

"Okay, here you go, you got a strawberry, cookies and cream, and vanilla with sprinkles, extra whipped cream." We all thank him, "Wait a second. Are you even allowed to be here?" He pointed at El who laughed as we ran off once again.

We walked out of the mall and all traded ice cream, "that was so much fun, you guys. Thanks for inviting me!" I said with a huge smile, they said you're welcome but we were cut off but a familiar voice near us,

"That's ridiculous. Why can't I just..."

"Oh, you've gotta be shitting me." Max's mood changed in a second as we three walked over to them, a frown on all of our faces, "Isn't this a nice surprise." The boys looked up at us with shocked faces, Mike dropped his bike and pointed at El,

"What are you doing here?"

"Shopping." El said with attitude which I smiled to, we taught her well,

"This is her new style, what do you think?" I nudged El with a more noticeable smirk,

"What's wrong with you? You know she's not allowed to be here." I rolled my eyes at Mike's comment,

"What is she, your little pet?" Max asked,

"Yeah. Am I your pet?" El copied,

"What? No!"

"She's allowed to go anywhere she pleases, she's mature enough to make decisions on her own." I said, matter-of-factly while the other girls nodded,

"You don't even know the full story, so I suggest you shut your mouth." Mike argued which genuinely surprised me because he's never done that before,

"Mike! Don't talk to her like that!" Will interrupted,

"I may not know the full story, but what I do know is that you treated her like garbage recently, and we're not here for it." Mike looked like he was about to snap when El spoke up,

"Yeah, why do you treat me like garbage?"


"You said Nana was sick."

"She is! She is sick." Mike reassured, looking at Lucas for back up,

"Yeah sick-- she's sick." Lucas tried lying, "She's super sick. That's why we're here actually." Will had a concerned and confused face which just confirmed that they were all lying,

"Yeah, yeah, we're shopping. Not for us, but for her, for Nana." Mike was a horrible liar, I leaned closer to Max and El and whispered,

"Bullshit." They both nodded,

"Also, we're here to get a gift for you. Just, we couldn't find anything that suited you and I only have, like, $3.50, so it's hard." Lucas tried backing Mike's statement up but El clearly had enough of it,

"You lie." Mike was clearly speechless, "Why do you lie?" El got closer to him with an angry face, "I dump your ass." Max and I looked at each other, mouths slightly agape into a smile, El didn't seem like the type that made her own decisions confidently often so I felt that this was great for her. We all walked to the bus behind us and got in, El and Max sat at a two seater while I sat at the seat next to theirs. Once we were all settled, we gave El high fives, not being able to stop laughing.

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