Chapter 8 - The Flayed

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Third Person POV

The group was now back at the Wheeler's. El was trying to find Hopper while the other stayed silent. "I found him"

"Where is he?" Max asked,

"Woods. He's with... Will's mom." They all looked at Will with confused faces,

"My- my mom?" Will stuttered,

"What are they doing?"

"Ill-annoy. They're going to Ill-annoy"

"Mike! Breakfast!" Mrs. Wheeler called from upstairs,

"Not now, Mom!" Mike yelled back,

"Illinois? Illinois, like the state? The state of Illinois?" Y/n questioned El who took off her blindfold,

"Ill-annoy." She shrugged.

The three girls were now in the bathroom. Max ran a towel under water and wiped El's bloody nose when her eyes went down to her neck that had a purple line from Billy choking her,

"Does it still hurt?"

"Only when I talk." El answered,

"Well, it's a good thing you're not Mike, then. 'Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.' And you'd be in constant pain." They all chuckled, 

"So, Y/n. How's it going with Will?" Max smirked,

"Huh? What do you mean?" Y/n asked as she was trying to put a braid in El's hair,

"You are always talking to him." El added,

"Only because we were close since we were children."

"You guys should get together!" Max proposed,

"Who said we aren't?"

"You guys are dating?!"

"We're dating." Y/n couldn't help but smile to herself, this was the first time she told someone about it, she's glad to call him her boyfriend,

"I'm happy for you guys." El smiled. The boys were talking in a whisper-yell that could still be heard through the door,

"They're conspiring against me." Mike said,

"That's what you're concerned about now?" Will asked,

"It's not my main concern. It's just a sub-concern."

"I thought it was already over."

"It's not over, okay? We're just taking a break."

"She said she dumped your ass. That doesn't sound like a break." Will pointed out which made the girls laugh,

"It wasn't! You guys do realize we can still hear everything you're saying, right?" Max yelled from the bathroom as the 3 of them were laughing. 

A knock came from the door leading upstairs. Mike thought it was his mom but Nancy, Mike's sister, demanded them to open the door which revealed her and Will's brother, Jonathan.

The girls walked out of the bathroom. They all sat on the couches while Nancy was getting something out of her bag. "Alright, everyone listen." Nancy started explaining her theory that Mrs. Driscoll, an old woman who lives in town, is also 'flayed' like Billy. She gave the group information on a piece of paper that shows Mrs. Driscoll's body temperature and the time when she started freaking out and yelling which matched what Billy was doing at the exact same time. This led them to the conclusion that multiple people were flayed. El mentioned Heather Holloway, Billy's fellow lifeguard, since she saw Billy doing something to her that caused her to scream in a memory she had saw, "a bad scream," as El said. They decided to go and check on the Holloway's to see if their theory was true. The three boys rolled their eyes and sighed when they found out that they had to sit in the trunk while the girls sat in the middle.

They arrived at the house to find chemicals scattered around in the kitchen, "What happens when you mix chemicals together?" Mike asked,

"You create a new substance." Lucas and Will recalled,

"What if they're making something?"

"In themselves? I mean, come on, if you drink this crap, it'll kill you." Max reminded,

"Yeah, if you're human." They continued to explore the house. They made a guess on how Billy and Heather got her parents and found more chemicals.

"There must be a place where all this started, right?" Nancy began, "A source."

"Somewhere he didn't want me to see." El said as she went back to the memory when she spied on Billy,

"If we can find the source, then maybe we can stop him. Or at least stop it from spreading or doing whatever the hell he's doing with those chemicals."

"How do we find it?" El asked,

"Mrs. Driscoll." Y/n started,

"If she wants to go back so badly, why don't we let her?" Will finished, sending a smile to Y/n seeing that they had the same idea.

The lot went in the hospital that Mrs. Driscoll was in, hoping that the receptionist wouldn't notice that Nancy brought a whole group of children with her. Unfortunately, she did and only allowed Jonathan and her upstairs to 'visit' while the kids stayed at the lobby. Mike and Lucas were currently raiding the vending machine, Max and El were reading magazines, and Y/n and Will were just sitting down, Y/n's head was on his shoulder, resting, there's that warm feeling, Will thought. She asked Lucas to toss her some M&M'S which he did, Mike then gestured for the both of them to move seats, which they also did. "He's gonna try and get back together with El, huh?" Y/n asked while opening the packet of chocolate,

"Yeah, about time he stopped whining anyway." Will chuckled, "How long are you going to stay here?"

"For a while, a year or two or three, depending on when my manager wants me to go back for a huge role or something, or whenever I want to leave."

"So you're not staying forever?"

"I could, if I wanted, I could end the contract I'm in and just stay here. I doubt people are going to be happy about it." Y/n replied,

"What'll happen to us if you do leave?"

"I don't know. If your mom would let me, I'd take you with me but then you'd leave Hawkins." Y/n sighed, "Well, it's no where near that time yet so let's not think about it."

"Alright. But just so you know, I'm not letting you leave again."

"I know you won't." 

"So... are we--" Before Will could finish his question, the lights started flickering. Will stood up and Y/n knew exactly what was happening,

"Guys, get in the elevator." The others gave her a weird look until they looked at Will. "Now." They all ran past the nurse who did nothing but scream at them and got into the elevator. 

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