Chapter 13 - Three Months Later

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Y/n was in what once was Will's room, standing in the middle of it, holding a wrapped box and a picture frame of Will and her as children, "Hey,"

"Hey." Y/n sniffed and wiped her tears as she turned around to face Will,

"Please don't..." Will walked closer, trying to stop her from shedding anymore tears,

"Isn't it ironic," Y/n snickered, "we were worried about me leaving, but really, you're the one moving away."

"I'm sorry."

"No, I understand it, it's just... I hate it. And I know we'll be in contact more because my mom helped your mom to get a job and place and everything but it's still so far away."

"I know, but you said it, we'll be talking everyday, I promise."

"Speaking of that," Y/n gave Will the box, "open it." Will unwrapped the gift and inside was a microphone set, "It's basically a tiny version of Cerebro, we can talk from wherever and whenever."


"I got it a few weeks ago, after you told me you're moving. Look, I love you Will, and I don't want us to cut communication again." Will put the box down on the floor and pulled Y/n into a hug,

"I won't let that happen again."

"What if you find another girl where you're moving, what happens then?" Y/n let a tear fall,

"We don't need to think about that because it'll never happen. I love you, and that's what matters."

"I'll miss you."

"I'll visit, I'm sure mom would let me."

"I'll visit too."

Will's POV

I'll miss her, I will, so we have to make the most of the 4 minutes we have left together so I pulled her in a kiss for the last time in a while, Y/n's kisses are black holes pulling you in until all gravity is lost under her touch, that's how addicting she is, and I'm going to miss it, maybe time stopped when her lips met mine, but it was amazing, it was amazing how she can take me out of reality with a simple kiss that meant so much more than life itself. I've waited so long to call her mine and to have the opportunity to do so was great, but now I'm leaving her, I felt horrible, I'm leaving home. We pulled away after what seemed like forever but only a minute or so.

Y/n's POV

Goodbyes are never easy, it's why we say 'see you later,' goodbye seems so official. I'll never say goodbye to him. I pull him into a hug, "See you later, dork."

"See you later, love."

"I love you."

"I love you too." Will pulled away, gave me a quick yet gentle and sweet kiss, and got into the car, waving to all the people he spent his childhood with.

Third Person POV

Will decided to open the box with the microphone set in it that Y/n gave him, inside was a piece of paper that he thought was the manual, but it wasn't. It was a letter from Y/n with a copy of the picture they took on the hill with Cerebro. Will wiped a tear but couldn't help but smile while reading it.

Hey Will,

I know we probably had our painful goodbye already and you're probably in the car right now heading to your new home, but I wanted to leave you a letter because it's romantic, you can't lie and say it's not.

Anyway, I'm going to write things down that I may not have said enough while talking to you or maybe it's too cheesy to even be said without me laughing and you being confused. Will, I love you so much, I want you to be happy, I want you to be here next to me to make me laugh with all your stupid jokes. You're the reason I tolerate the other guys... no no joking, they're cool. But really, I know you're going to do great at your new place, make some new friends, socialize, and live a life. Don't forget me, okay? I know I always say that but you know how much I overthink. I know we've only been dating for like what, 4 months? But it feels like we were always together, maybe not romantically but just together in general. Having you as my bestfriend even when we weren't talking made me happy, knowing you're here, alive, breathing, being amazing, helped me be me. You have such a big impact in my life it's crazy.

I need to go, okay? Call me with your walkie talkie or something when you arrive, I'll visit with my mom! I'll always be with you! Just look at your wrist. :)
I love you, so so much, yours truly,

Y/n L/n xo

And now, 5 teenagers and 1 adult stood outside the house that once had someone they cherished living there, someone who made them happy. They all left on a bike or a car or by foot, but what they all know, is that their bond is closer than ever.

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