Chapter 11 - The Bite

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Third Person POV

"Yeah, but he's not building this army to spread." Mike corrected,

"He's building it to stop Eleven." Will added,

"Last year, El closed the gate on him. I have a feeling that really pissed him off."

"Like, royally." Lucas rolled his eyes,

"And the Mind Flayer now knows that she's the only thing that can stop him. But if she's out of the way--"

"Game over." Lucas ended,

"He also said he was gonna kill all of you." El confessed which suprisingly shocked everyone, Will looked away from fear which caused Y/n to put her hand on his, she gave him a smile that said 'trust me, it'll be fine' and a smile suddenly made its way to his lips,

"Yeah, well, that's nice." Max broke the silence which started again when they heard a sound coming from outside where fireworks from the fair was being sent off but a screeching sound could also be heard,

"Do you guys hear that?" Nancy shuddered. Everyone realized that the Mind Flayer, or Billy, was coming when Will put his hand on his neck and confirmed it. They attempted to flee the cabin but are stopped in their tracks once they see the Mind Flayer approaching them.

Eleven's group scrambles to prepare for a battle with the Mind Flayer as Nancy and Jonathan arm themselves with a shotgun and axe respectively while the others use furniture and other large objects to barricade the room. Y/n ran as fast as she can to her house next door to grab a few more things that could help them, including a pistol that her mother keeps under her bed and a few of its ammo just in case. She runs back to the cabin just in time to distribute 2 bats to Max and Mike. They wait for the Mind Flayer in anticipation as various objects around the room begin to shake.

Eventually, the Mind Flayer breaks into the cabin and begins attacking them. Jonathan tries to sever one of its limbs with the axe but it throws him against the wall. Nancy also tries to shoot it with the shotgun but runs out of bullets. It then tries to attack Nancy but is stopped by El's telekinesis. El then severs the arm as two other arms attempt to attack El but she stops them and severs them like the previous arm. Suddenly, the Mind Flayer breaks through the roof of the cabin. It manages to grab El by her left ankle in an attempt to take her, but Mike, Jonathan, Max, Y/n and Will grab her to prevent her from being taken. Nancy reloads the shotgun and shoots the Mind Flayer in rapid succession, but to no avail. Even Y/n, being trained to use a pistol for self defense, took it out and started firing straight at the creature's head, or eyes, if you could even call it that. Lucas then severs the arm with the axe and frees El, causing them all to fall to the floor. Mike then pulls the remaining flesh off of El's leg, causing her to scream in pain. El eventually stands up and severs the head of the Mind Flayer, and then falls backwards into Mike's arms, her left leg bleeding profusely. The group then flees into Nancy's car and drives away, with Max and Mike helping to get El out of the cabin and to the car safely.

Eleven's group eventually reaches a grocery store, breaking the windows of the store in order to find treatment for El's badly wounded leg. Max instructs Nancy and Jonathan to go find water and soap, and for Lucas to go find a washcloth and a bowl. Nancy and Jonathan discuss the flayed and the consequences of killing the Mind Flayer, while Lucas found fireworks that could potentially help them defeat the Mind Flayer later on. "That doesn't look like a bowl." Max and Y/n interrupted Lucas' fangirling over the fireworks,

"Nah, it's way better."

"Don't think that'll help El with her wound." Y/n crossed her arms,

"There is a reason this warning label says '18 or older.'" Max scoffed, "This sucker is filled with 150 grains of black powder. AKA gunpowder." Lucas tossed a box to her, "Strap two of these together, and it's bigger than an M-80. Five of them, we've got ourselves a stick of dynamite."

"You wanna kill that thing with fireworks?" Max asked,

"Do you have a better idea?"

"Uh, yeah. Eleven." Max pointed out as she threw back the box of fireworks,

"Against that thing? She's gonna need some backup." Max walked back to El, leaving Y/n to deal with the boys,

"I think it's a great idea."

"You do?"

"One of your better ideas, yeah." Lucas smiled and started taking all of the boxes and stacking it on Will's hands as Y/n laughed and quickly grabbed a shopping cart.

Knowing that Lucas is still piling on more boxes, Y/n and Will actually go and try to find a bowl for El, "So... you know how to use a gun?" Will asked,

"Self defense."

"Remind me to never mess with you."


"Once everything's over, I'll actually ask you out properly, okay?"

"You don't need to, it's already perfect enough."

"Yeah but, I just want to." Will smiled and kissed her again, happy to have found someone in these hard times.

"DUSTIN?!" Mike screamed from the other aisle which caused Y/n and Will to look at each other and run to the other aisle where Mike and El was.

El attempts to find where Dustin is, but is distracted by Mike and Lucas arguing about. "How do you even drink that?" Mike asked Lucas who was drinking New Coke,

"Because it's delicious."

"What?" Both Max and Mike said in disbelief which caused Y/n to snicker next to Will who was smiling,

"It's like Carpenter's The Thing. The original is a classic, no question about it. But the remake..." Lucas takes a slurp of his drink obnoxiously and sighed with satisfaction, "Sweeter, bolder... better." Y/n put her face in Will's sleeve to hide her laughing but when she was done she just put her on his shoulder to which Will just blushed and chuckled because of her silliness,

"You're insane." Mike decided,

"So, you prefer the original Thing?"

"What? No, I'm not talking about The Thing. I'm talking about New Coke."

"It's the same concept dude."

"Uh, actually, it's not the same concept."

"It is the same concept."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is." Lucas yelled,

"Hey!" El scolded,

"Sorry." Mike began,

"Sorry." Lucas added,

"Did you... find him?"

They all walk out of the store, Will and Y/n hand in hand, while Lucas has a whole shopping cart and basket filled to the brim with fireworks while the others have boxes of more fireworks. El determines that Dustin is at the movies and the group leaves to go to Starcourt Mall.

At the mall, Dustin's group attempts to hide from the Russians, but they are discovered. "El," Max whispered, "the car." it begins to honk and it's lights started flashing, this distracted the guards long enough so that El can fling the car towards them, knocking them all out. Y/n walked around, making sure the doors were locked just in case the Russians were sending anyone else, Will was with her too. Will almost tripped over a pole but Y/n caught him, barely because she was laughing too hard,

"You are such a dork, it's really funny." Y/n managed to say in between laughs,

"We will never talk about this." Will brushed off his shirt as he was walking back to the group,

"You're such a big baby, come on then!"

"Oh shush." Will countered. The two groups reunite and discuss what has happened. El walked off and no one noticed except for Y/n, she was watching her when Eleven collapses to the floor, Y/n ran over to her and caught her just in time,

"Guys!" Y/n yelled, El's wound was pulsating with a strange growth inside her leg causing her to scream in pain.

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