Chapter 10 - E Pluribus Unum

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"It doesn't make sense." Nancy said as she dropped her notepad on to the counter,

"What part of any of this makes sense?" Jonathan shook her head,

"There's a pattern, okay? A consistency to their behavior. They've been feeding on these chemicals since this started, and--and what, they just stop, out of the blue?"

"Maybe they have all the chemicals they need." Will suggested, "Maybe they've all turned into those... things."

As Mike and Max argue while Nancy, Jonathan, and Will try to come up with a good idea, Y/n is in another room on the phone, "Oh for God's sake, you cannot be serious."

"I am. You need to be here, right now." Y/n's father argued through the phone,

"You can't possibly make me, the contract says I can take as long as I want! And no, you can't threaten to drop me, I'm sure you know there's a handful of agencies that want me."

"I said--"

"You  said nothing, you're not part of this. I'm happy here and I'm not leaving my friends again, why can't you let me live a life for once?"

"We need you here for a movie role."

"I don't need the movie role, we're already releasing one."

"If you're not here by next week I--" Y/n slammed the phone off, not wanting to hear any more of the nonsense that her father was talking, she was always closer to her mom, her father just wanted her to work. Will saw Y/n on the floor, leaning on the wall and just looking up at the ceiling,



"You know, you can go to that thing he wants you to go to, right? We wouldn't mind."

"Yes you would. Plus, didn't you hear, I'm not leaving my friends again." Y/n took Will's hand so she can get up.

Y/n's POV

"I don't want you losing what you love doing."

"I won't." I reassured as I watched Will lean in, gently pulling me closer as he captured me in a kiss, one filled with affection. My hands goes to cup his cheeks while his goes to my waist which sent my heart flying as we both melt  into the gentleness of the kiss we're sharing. I felt as if this was the one thing I was looking for my entire life, the feeling of peace, happiness, satisfaction, and it's kind of ironic because of our current situation but it's still there, he's still there, waiting for me to go in to his arms that made me feel safe, protected, and that's what's so special about it, that it's there even in the hardest times. I gazed into his hazel eyes that seemed like they were smiling as he brushed his thumb on my cheeks, "You are the most affectionate and cutest person I have ever met." I admitted as Will chuckled,

"Glad the feeling's mutual." He kissed my forehead which was easy for him because it was the perfect height, "Don't freak out?"


"I love you." Those words sent this weird feeling to my heart and stomach, he actually loves me, don't we seem too young for that? But, then again, he could just mean love as in friendship love, we've known each other for years...

"I love you too, dork." Will's eyes brightened as I pulled him into a tight hug.

Third Person POV

"Okay, can you guys settle an argument for us?" Max walked over to Nancy, Jonathan, Will, and Y/n, "Who do you think should decide El's limits? Mike or Eleven."

Always with You // A Will Byers X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now