Chapter 5 - He's Back

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Third Person POV

The next morning came by for the boys fairly quickly since they woke up to loud medieval music playing with Will dressed up as a wizard. Seems like Will is taking this whole Dungeons and Dragons game a little too seriously since he declared this day a "no-girls" day, and the boys were not having any of it. They start a campaign, while Will was having the time of his life, hanging out with 2 of his closest friends like the good old times, Mike and Lucas did not care at all for the game, they were half asleep, not making any effort to even survive the round, they even made fun of the game a few times. The phone suddenly rang, Lucas and Mike's eyes darted towards it. Will basically jumped up from his seat, "A trap. Do not answer it!" His words were ignored when they ran to the phone, unfortunately it wasn't the person they wanted it to be. Lucas and Mike were thinking of calling El and Max when Will used his staff on the floor to gain their attention, "We'll say nothing! The Khuisar tribe still needs your help." They've had enough of it,

"Alright then, I'll use my torch to set fire to the chambers, sacrificing ourselves, killing the jujus, and saving the Khuisar." Mike said, wanting to end the game, "We all live on as heroes in the memories of the Kalamar."

"Victory." Lucas and Mike high-fived, Will slams his staff and hat on the table,

"Okay. Fine. You guys win. Congratulations."

"Will, I was just messing around." Mike reassured while Will was taking off his costume, "How much longer is the campaign?"

"Just forget it, Mike." Will's voice raised as Mike looked at his glossy eyes,

"No, you want to keep playing, right?"

"Y-yeah, totally." Lucas' stuttering didn't help at all in convincing Will to continue,

"We'll just call the girls afterwards."

"I said forget it, Mike, okay? I'm going home." Will yelled,


"Come on, Will."

"Move!" Will said as he pushed Lucas out of the way of the stairs, Mike chased after him as Lucas stayed and tried to come up with a plan to calm him down. Will opened the door with Mike still following behind,

"Will, come on. You can't leave. It's raining. Listen, I said I was sorry, alright? It's a cool campaign. It's really cool. We're just not in the mood right now." Mike was trying to redeem himself but it wasn't working,

"Yeah, Mike. That's the problem. You guys are never in the mood anymore. You're ruining our party."

"That's not true."

"Really? Where's Dustin right now?" Mike didn't know what to say, "See? You don't even know and you don't even care. And obviously he doesn't either and I don't blame him. You're destroying everything, and for what? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?"

"El's not stupid. It's not my fault you don't like girls." Mike sighed, "I'm not trying to be a jerk. Okay? But we're not kids anymore. I mean, what did you think, really? That we were never gonna get girlfriends? We were just gonna sit in my basement all day and play games for the rest of our lives?"

"Yeah." Will sniffed, "I guess I did. I really did." He went on his bike and rode off, not stopping once until he reached his destination.

Lucas and Mike stayed in the basement for a while, leaving Will some time to calm down. Lucas got the idea to call Y/n to come with them when they go and visit Will. Mike hated the idea at first since he still hasn't gotten over the El thing, but then realized that Y/n and Will are somehow just as close as the both of them are. So they called Y/n who agreed to meet them at Will's house ASAP. Y/n got there before them since she lived right next door, she sat at the porch until she heard a scream.

Without any hesitation, she grabbed the umbrella and towel she brought, put it in a string bag, and ran into the woods. She followed the yelling until she saw Will with a bat hitting what once was Castle Byers, and before she could react, Will dropped the bat and pulled down the front of the structure and started wrecking it even more, "Will!" Y/n screamed as she ran and hugged him from behind, trying to pull him away from the structure and grabbing the log he had in his hands that he used instead of the bat. Will turned around to face Y/n and sank to his knees, still sobbing, "Hey, hey... it's okay. It'll be alright, Will, c'mon baby, stop crying." He finally hugged her back, the feeling of comfort and warmth radiated off of her which made Will feel better, safer. They stayed there for a second until Will put one of his hands on the back of his neck, he suddenly stood up and looked around when they heard Mike screaming his name. Y/n also stood up, "Will?"

"What happened? Are you okay? Y/n, you were supposed to meet us back there!" Mike scolded,

"What do you want me to do?! Ignore the screams from the woods?!" Y/n argued back,

"Well, yeah!"

"He's back." Said Will who had a concerned look to his face,

"W-what?" Y/n stuttered, she didn't know what they were talking about. Y/n put her bag down, opened up her umbrella, gave it to Will to hold, and pulled out the towel she brought, "Are we going to stay out here or are we going to go inside?" She asked as she took the umbrella back, put it over Will's and her head and handed Will the towel.

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