Chapter 3 - Suzie, Do You Copy?

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"Yeah, I'll just meet you guys out my house, I gotta do something first. Do you need anything for the walk?" Y/n asked over the phone,

"Water? I forgot to bring mine, I didn't expect a hike." Will admitted,

"Okay, I'll meet you there, see ya in a few." Y/n quickly got into her shoes, almost falling over, and grabbed 2 water bottles, a few snacks, and her camera since she might want to take a picture for memories. Not even 5 minutes later the party was already outside her door which she quickly opened and helped with the things they had to carry. "I have your water bottle by the way, it's in my bag." Will thanked her and started introducing El,

"This is El, Mike's girlfriend."

"Oh! Hi, I'm Y/n." Y/n held her hand out so that El can shake it, which she did, awkwardly.

"Oh my god! You're back!" Dustin gently placed his bag down that he was carrying and walked over to hug Y/n, "Look at you! You haven't grown an inch!"

"Oh wow, thanks Dustin, glad you grew some teeth." Y/n chuckled, "Missed you bud,"

"Missed you too sweetie." Dustin teased as he started walking again. Everyone was talking about Suzie except for Will and Y/n who was reminiscing on old memories and talking about their recent ones, Y/n started to open up about what she actually felt but not fully by saying that there was "some bad times."

They finally arrived at the hill, just a few more steps, Y/n thought, "Aren't we high enough," Lucas barely said in between his breaths,

"Cerebro works best at a hundred meters." Dustin informed them,

"You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones." Max complained,

"Yeah, but Suzie's Mormon."

"Oh, shit. She doesn't have electricity?" Lucas said in disbelief,

"Oh that's the Amish."

"What are Mormons?" Will asked, genuinely curious,

"Super religious white people. They have electricity and cars and stuff, but... since I'm not Mormon, her parents would never approve."

"It's all a bit... Shakespearean, don't you think?" Y/n pointed out, Max chuckled as she asked,


"Yeah, like Romeo and Juliet."


"Star-crossed lovers." Dustin smiled,

"I got it." Max rolled her eyes,

When the crew was almost at the top, El and Mike had to go because of "curfew," Y/n just looked at Will, confused, looked at her watch, and said what they were all asking themselves,

"I'm sorry, but, who has curfew at 4:00?"

"They're lying."

"It's been like this all summer." Will mentioned,

"It's romantic." Max corrected,

"It's gross." Will continued,

"It's bullshit. I just got home." Y/n looked up at Dustin and gave him a sympathetic look, "Well, their loss, right? Onwards and upwards! Suzie awaits!" Both Lucas and Max sighed and continued up with Y/n, Will stayed still, shivers going up his spine as he watched El and Mike leave, this isn't the first time he felt this, he just hopes it isn't what he thinks it is. Will jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder,

"Hey, you alright?" Y/n asked with a concerned face, he quickly brushed it off and just nodded, Will knew Y/n didn't believe him, but he didn't want her to find out yet, that could change her opinion about him, he likes her company, he always did.

Will's POV

We finally reached the top of the hill and built Cerebro, "well isn't that cool," Y/n said, clearly not seeing anything like it before,

"Now, you ready to meet my love?" Dustin was clearly excited about this whole thing so we all just agreed, "Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over." No one answered, "Suzie... this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over." We all gave each other a worried look, "I'm sure she's there. It's just-- you know, maybe she's, like, busy or-- it's around dinnertime. Here."

"Keep on trying, Dustin, I'm sure she's there." Y/n knelt down and smiled, Dustin nodded and kept on trying... and trying... and trying.

A few minutes has passed and we were all being really patient for Dustin, Lucas and Max lied down, I sat near Cerebro, and Y/n was stood with her camera taking pictures of the sunset, "you're still into photography?" I decided to ask her,

"I mean, who wouldn't want to catch this beautiful scene," she spoke with enthusiasm which made her look more captivating, she put her camera down and looked at me, "stand next to me?" I was kind of shocked with the question at first but complied, I stood next to her and she raised her camera up, pointing to us, "say cheese!" And snapped a picture of the two of us, "give it 10 minutes, I'm sure it looks great!"

10 more minutes had passed, Y/n and I sat next to each other, chatting our way through boredom when her eyes lit up, "the pictures should be done by now," she picked up the polaroids and spread them out, the first few were just of the sunset, she's really talented, while the last one was of us, "now that's a keeper!" she exclaimed as I smiled, I was a little bit flustered by her comment but the photo did look great. She stuffed the sunset photos in her bag and inserted the one of us in the clear pocket of her bag, cute.

The moon was out now, Y/n and I were now laying on the grass too, my head was on her shoulder since I was almost dozing off, "Dustin, come on! She's not there." Max's patience was clearly gone,

"She's there, alright? She'll pick up!"

"Maybe Cerebro doesn't work." I picked my head up, my patience was gone too but I didn't want to hurt Dustin's feelings,

"Or maybe Suzie doesn't exist." Lucas added,

"Oh come on, you guys." Y/n spoke up,

"She exists!" Dustin reassured us,

"She's a genius and she's hotter than Phoebe Cates? No girl is that perfect." Lucas pointed out as Max sat up, acting all offended,

"Is that so?"

"I mean... you're perfect." Lucas was now stuttering, "I mean, like. per--- perfect in your own way. In your special-- your own special way." Both Max and Y/n chuckle,

"Relax, I was teasing. I'm obviously perfect and Dustin's obviously lying." Dustin looked hurt by that comment, "Come on, Don Juan."

"Where are you going?"

"Home." Max answered and walked off,

"Well... I guess it's just us now." Y/n and I both stood up,

"Um... it's late." I started,

"I'm sorry Dustin, I'd love to stay here with you all night trying to contact your Suzie but, it is getting pretty late..." she put her hand on Dustin's shoulder,

"Maybe tomorrow we can play D&D. Or something fun. Like we used to?" I missed the old times,

"Yeah, sure." Dustin nodded, obviously hurt,

"Welcome home." Y/n and I ran down the hill. When we made it back to the path Y/n asked a question,

"You think Suzie is real, right?"

"Yeah! Dustin would never lie about that, it is just getting late.

Always with You // A Will Byers X Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now