Chapter 6 - Confessions

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Y/n's POV

"Let me get this straight. Will disappeared, you guys met Eleven, she has mind powers, someone faked Will's death, government agents go after El, then El finds Will in the Upside Down where there are Demogorgons and apparently the Mind Flayer too from D&D who controls people, El then disappears after defeating a Demogorgon, the Mind Flayer attached itself to Will but his mom got it out of him by literally burning the hell out of him, but a part of the Mind Flayer stayed in him, then El supposedly closed the gate to the Upside Down?" I was out of breath,

"Yeah, pretty much." Lucas answered,

"You tell me this now?!" I glared at all three of them,

"We didn't want you to get freaked out.

"You could've warned me that... I don't know... A FREAKING FICTIONAL MONSTER IS AFTER YOU GUYS."

"See, you're freaking out." Mike pointed out,

"Let me get this straight, Michael Wheeler, you wouldn't freak out if you were told this? HM!?"

"Good point. I gotta go. It's late."

"Yeah, same." Lucas agreed,

Third Person POV

"Alright, leave me with my freaking out session." It took a minute or two or five for Y/n to process the whole situation and if she should even stay in Hawkins for her own safety, or go against all the warning signs and stay for her friends. "Why?"

"Hm?" Will looked up,

"Why didn't you tell me? The true reason, please."

"I didn't want you to leave again, we thought that it was already done, we're good, but it wasn't, that thing is still here and I completely understand if you're going to leave because I would too if I could." Will started panicking and just spitting out words that could prevent her from leaving,

"Will. Hey, you're too special for me to leave you, especially now." Y/n scooted closer to Will who was staring into her eyes,

"You did it before, what's stopping you from doing it again?" Will finally said which left Y/n speechless, "That hurt, you leaving, us not talking everyday, it really hurt, Y/n. And now, everyone's growing up and no one's ever in the mood to do anything anymore."

"Hey, I know it hurts Will, and it'll all be better soon, okay? Trust me on that, I'll make sure it happens."

"No, you don't get it, it hurt because I didn't get to do this one thing I've wanted to do for a while before you left,"


"I have feelings for you, Y/n, and I wanted to kiss you before you left but you needed to go and I didn't want to stop you,"


"And those feelings didn't change when you left, I always thought about you, about what would've happened if you stayed, that's what hurts, the fact that I didn't get to say it." Will confessed which shocked Y/n,

"You just did."

"Doesn't matter anymore, I had more of a chance 4 years ago. Now you could get any guy you want who doesn't have this monster living inside of him."

"Will, I like you too, and I wanted to kiss you that day too. Will, if I could get any guy I want, then I would've, but, I didn't have the guy I really wanted in front of me, until now." Will and Y/n were an inch away from each other, and that moment felt so right,

"Can I--" Will asked for permission,

"Mhm." Will moved closer as Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss Will, to which he kissed back, he was gentle, somewhat scared of what could happen if he stopped and went back to reality, he waited so long to do this, she thought the same, but their thoughts was interrupted by Joyce opening the door,

"Hey guys! It's late, what are you doing up? Y/n, you're sleeping over again, your mom is out the whole week I believe, sorry sweetie."

"Oh, it's fine, you don't mind, right?" She turned to Will, 

"Not at all."

"Alrighty then, I have your pjs, Y/n, your mom gave me a pair before she left, you know where the bathroom is."

"Thank you."

Y/n got into her pjs and walked into Will's room to find him on his desk, frantically going through the shelves, "hello?" she said as she closed the door,

"Oh! Hi." 

"What are you looking for?" 

"A... thing."

"So specific, so helpful." Y/n crossed her arms and smiled,

"AHA! Found it." Will almost jumped in the air as he walked over to Y/n and sat her down on the bed,

"Woah, excitement."

"Can I kiss you again?" Will asked once more to which Y/n chuckled because of how sudden he said it,

"You really don't have to ask my permission, Will." He leaned in again, the feeling of happiness surges through the both of them,

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Will showed Y/n the bracelet he made for her, she smiled a genuine smile filled with joy and excitement,

"Of course I would." Y/n answered as Will put the bracelet on her,

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."

"4 years?"

"More." This time, Y/n kissed Will first. She fell asleep in his arms, protected and happy.

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