Chapter 8 - Lenny

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I add the finishing touches on the current tattoo I'm doing, shading in the gaps and outlining the symbol to make it bolder. I wipe off the excess dotting of blood and examine the results.

"What do you think?" I ask my client.

She looks down at it, grinning. "Holy crap. How is it that every time I get tatted by you, you do an even better job than the last?"

I laugh, growing warm from the compliment. "I'm glad you like it."

"Love it." She corrects.

I apply some cream and wrap her forearm, reminding her how to take care of the ink even though she knows. She thanks me before handing me the payment and going on her way.

I add the bills to my pile and count through it. I'm so close to saving enough for a better apartment to rent. I'm tired of my shitty neighbourhood. I know I can take care of myself no matter how sketchy it is but that doesn't mean I like not feeling safe. It helps that I have three locks installed on my door and I always sleep with a pocket knife under my pillow but it would be nice to not have to use those precautions, to be able to relax and know that I'm actually safe.

I open my laptop to look through my calendar, going through my schedule for today. Wolfe is my last client which means I get to go home early and that's always a bonus. Though I have to admit, going home to an empty apartment isn't as appealing as it once was. I've always been on my own and I don't mind it but these days it really fucking sucks. That's my own doing I guess. Aside from Ria and maybe Wolfe, I don't have anyone else in my life I'd consider a friend. I would hang out with Aria later today but she flew out with Asher to Maryland for his match.

I slump in my seat, annoyed that I'm feeling so down. I don't get it. I've never had a problem with being alone before. Why is it weighing down on me so much lately?

I'm so out of it I don't even hear the knocks on my door until they become harder and a little impatient.

"Come in." I close my laptop, zoning back in to reality.

Gia peeks her head inside. "Thought you fell asleep or something."

"I wish." I answer truthfully. "What's up?"

"Titus wants to see you in his office." There's something in her tone that gives me pause. I scan her face carefully, noticing her eyebrows slightly drawn close and her lips pinched into a wary smile. Pity.

Fuck. What did I do now?

I wrack through my brain as I stand up and follow her outside. Is this about my client the other day that Wolfe beat up? Did he file a complaint after all? Just fucking fantastic.

I walk inside Titus's office just as Gia steps out and closes the door behind her to give us privacy. Double fuck. Titus has no problem telling his employees anything he would tell his wife. How bad is this going to be if Gia isn't here?

"Hey, boss man." I take a seat in the chair in front of his desk and lean into it, trying to appear casual. "What's up?"

"Look, kid." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. Triple fuck. Kid. Titus only calls me that when he's being soft. "There's no easy way to say this."

"Then just say it." I snap a little impatiently. I want to crawl out of my skin from anxiety.

He sighs again and crosses his arms, his eyes intense as they bore into mine. "He called."

My breath knocks out of my lungs.

That feeling of dread? The kind that feels like a fire in the pit of your stomach and disrupts everything inside of you, making you want to throw up and shrivel away? It slams into me before I can so much as blink. My mouth dries up and my breath gets caught in my throat.

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