Chapter 25 - Melanie

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I'd been in a deep sleep but the sensation of someone's hand running down my arm immediately alerts my brain. Unexpected human touch does something to me, electrocutes me with fear and panic, and I gasp as I quickly sit up and blindly throw an arm out. My fist gets caught in mid-air and a hand gently pries my fingers open, soft lips placing a kiss on the center of my palm.

"Shh," A voice whispers. It takes less than a second for me to realize it's Wolfe and I calm down instantly. Embarrassment makes my face warm and I'm thankful for the dark because he can't see. "It's just me, baby girl. I'm sorry I scared you."

I feel his hands grip my waist before he pulls me against him for a hug. I throw one leg over to straddle him, my arms going around his neck and holding on to him tightly. "Hey. I didn't mean to freak out."

"It's okay," His hand rubs circles on my back and I can feel the tension leaving my body. "I was just checking up on you. I got held up at the gym later than I thought."

"Training that intensely?"

"That and...I kind of did something."

I pull back to look at him. The dark makes it hard to see his face but there's enough moonlight in the room that I can tell his features are sheepish. My eyes narrow on him. "That sounds suspicious."

He chuckles under his breath and shrugs. "I, um, talked. To Asher and Coach."

"What?" I blurt in shock. Okay, definitely didn't see that one coming. I know he's been wanting to talk to the other guys but it still seemed like he wasn't going to do it anytime soon. "Out loud? Like, you talked talked?"

"I did," He smiles a little self-consciously and ducks his head. "It went pretty well."

"What did you say to them?"

"I talked to both of them about my business with Dante. Asher had me figured out so I knew it was time to confront him and Coach...I asked for his help. I'm in over my head here and I need him to have my back because it's too dangerous."

Relief like I've never known it slams into me. Ever since Wolfe told me he's been working with a notoriously ruthless street gang I've been coming up with all kind of scenarios of him getting hurt. Greg is someone he can trust and someone who will help him. I still wish he wasn't doing this but involving Greg makes it bearable. I cup his face now, grinning wide. "I'm so proud of you, baby. How do you feel?"

"Good," He laughs a little. "Really good. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I didn't even think, you know? I just did it and then I felt dumb that I made such a big deal out of speaking to begin with. It felt natural."

"Look at you," I pinch his cheeks and he scowls, batting my hands away while they flush in embarrassment. I laugh. "So, I'm guessing you talking didn't stop Greg from kicking your ass?"

"Tell me about it," He mumbles. "I got the lecture of a lifetime. He yelled at me for half an hour straight about how he expected more from me, how I let him down and let myself down, and how maybe I should go back to shutting up because I clearly don't know how to use my mouth and brain at the same time. He said that at least when I was mute I was making good decisions."

"Holy shit," Laughter bubbles out of me and I quickly cover my mouth. I know this isn't funny but Greg kind of said all the things I wanted to say to Wolfe when I found out. I'm way too appeased. "Harsh stuff."

Wolfe nods solemnly. "Then he punched me in the gut for lying to him all these months, said I had every opportunity to go to him but I lied to his face repeatedly. I deserved it."

I run my fingers through his hair and push it out of his face. He's been growing it out lately. His beard too. He's starting to look like a brooding Tarzan and I have to admit, I like it. "He's just worried about you. All of his students have been in danger before and he almost lost half of them. He probably couldn't handle another. I mean, Jesus Christ, what the hell is up with you Fighter's Den men? Look at the shit you get caught up in. Go for a walk or something instead."

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