Author Q&A

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*The most common questions from my Instagram Q&A compiled. Follow me on IG to see the rest as well as the special Q&A about the spin-off! Can be found on my story highlights.*

Q: How old are you/Where are you from?

A: I'm a twenty-three year old from Canada.

Q: Where did you get your inspiration to write Fighter's Den?

A: Honestly, it just came to me. Prior to writing book one I'd read an NA romance about boxing and that was a huge part of my inspiration. It's called Fighting Silence by Aly Martinez and I highly recommend it. It made me fall in love with the whole boxing/romance trope so I wanted to try it for myself.

Q: How old were you when you first started writing Fighter's Den?

A: I was nineteen by the time I wrote book one. I was still pretty young and I believe my writing has come a long way since. I'll always be proud of my first book but now that I've grown as a writer, I hope to go back and re-write it to make it better.

Q: Are you a boxer/do you watch boxing in real life?

A: Not at all. I also had to learn a lot about the sport as my books progressed. I've made technical errors in the first couple books but by book three I had the rulings down. Now when I see boxing on TV I think of my boys but still don't have the urge to actually watch a match.

Q: Which FD book is your favourite?

A: This is always the hardest question I'll get asked. I can't choose. All of my books are my babies and I love them for different reasons. So I'll tell you HOW each book is important to me. Book One is sentimental — my first ever book. Book Two is perseverance — I lost inspiration for a year and a half but came back stronger than ever. Book Three is déjà vu — the story came to me so easily I actually wondered if I wrote it in another life time. Book Four is realization (just like the title! crazy!) — it was the book that made me realize I was meant to be an author. Book Five is dedication — my hardest book to write in the series and I wanted to give up but I kept going and reached my insane goal of writing a five-book-series.

Q: Who is your favourite FD character?

A: Again, I love them all for different reasons. However, I have a super soft spot for Greg. I never saw his character coming. I honestly had no plans for him outside of book one but he ended up being the most important and amazing character. I think it goes without saying he deserves his own story. I'm seriously considering it. Probably a novella.

Q: Who is your favourite FD couple?

A: Can I just describe my favourite thing about each? Jax and Em are perfectly imperfect (and my OG's), Cam and Aves are hilariously sexy, Nate and Del are fairytale sweethearts, Ash and Ria are passionate with the deepest bond, and Wolfe and Melanie are my two loners who found a home in each other. I love all of them.

Q: Is your name really Amber Isabelle?

A: Nope. It's just my pen name. For personal reasons I write under a different persona but maybe one day you guys will know who I actually am. I truly hope so.

Q: Do any of your friends and family know about your books? Have they read them?

A: Only my younger sister knows about my Wattpad life. Her and I are tight and she's currently in the middle of finally binging the whole series now that I've completed it. The rest of my family? I'd rather slit my own throat than have them know I write smut on a daily! A select few of my friends know and support me as well! I'm waiting for them to finally read my series now (grr...come at their necks and tell them they're missing out!)

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