Chapter 18 - Wolfe

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"Let's see what you've got, Emerson."

I shake my hands out before fisting them, bouncing on my feet. Jaxon mimics my stance across from me in the ring and his eyes glint in excitement. I know he loves his coaching job but it's obvious how much he misses boxing when he spars with me or the guys. This is the extent of it for him, though. He never wanted the life of a professional. He just wanted to love the sport the way his late brother loved it so he'd be able to connect with him somehow now that he's gone. I don't know why it's just hitting me that him and Melanie actually share the same pain on some level. Both of them have lost their younger sibling and their parents both.

But I don't have time to dwell on that. Coach blows the whistle to signal the start of the match and all the students of Fighter's Den cheer us on. Jaxon's students are all bouncing on their toes in excitement as they watch their coach getting ready to fight. The guys are all standing on my side of the ring and calling out obscene remarks to egg us on like the dicks they are. This should be fucking good.

Jaxon strikes first, throwing a left hook that I duck and rear back from. My arm shoots out in a left jab that catches him in the gut and his students call out a chorus of "ooh." Jaxon is quick to retaliate, swinging a right to my rib and I grunt from the pain. Motherfucker has intense arm power.

"Let's fucking go, ladies!" I hear Cameron followed by his obnoxious laugh. Guy's a fucking goon.

"You got this one, big guy!" Asher encourages. He's actually the one I'm closest to from all the guys which says a lot because none of them really know me.

"Keep it moving!" That one was Nate, always responsible and making sure we're on track.

Jaxon and I had been circling each other but it's on again when I jog close and throw a right cross to his cheek. He moves back but not in time and my knuckles manage to graze him. He scowls and swings an uppercut that catches my chin and snaps my head back. I go back for another body shot, my fists pounding into his side before he sidesteps my attacks and throws his arm out. I use my forearms to shield my body and duck my head, immediately going into defence when he starts throwing punch after punch. Before I know it I'm cornered with Jaxon's fists raining down on me and leaving no way out.

"Get out of there, Emerson!" Coach barks. He's been training me for pros and he needs to see that I'm ready. I'm not looking so hot right now and I'm going to have to do something. Fast.

I bring my arms down and leave my body wide open for attack. I hear Coach release a spew of curses for that maneuver but I know what I'm doing. When Jaxon sees he has a clear shot, he rears his arm back all the way instead of sticking to short and quick punches when he was trying to get through to me. By the time he manages to swing his fist all the way forward I've ducked and stepped out of the way because he left himself wide open too. His fist meets air and I throw a left hook to his side, putting all my force into that punch. He staggers for just a moment before catching himself but by then my fist crosses his cheek and he crashed into the ropes. I'm on him instantly, another uppercut meeting his chin followed by a right hook to the side of his head. His knuckles knock into my mouth so suddenly that I feel my lip split and I falter. He swings again but I duck and go for his body at the same time he bends into defence and our bodies crash into each other. We both go down, landing on the canvas with a thud.

"Time!" Coach calls out and stops the match. The guys cheer on and Jaxon's students are booing because they wanted to see more. The little guys look fucking starstruck, no doubt wondering when they'll be able to fight at this level. "That's all I needed. Get back to work Cage and Emerson."

I push my palms against the canvas and get to my feet, swiping my forearm against my mouth and smirking at the thin slash of red blood that greets me. Jaxon is still on his back and breathing hard but he's grinning up at me despite the bruise forming on his cheek.

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