"I could tell she's Different".

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Eliana POV

"You Pla-". I was cut off by Anaya, She's one of the girl's who make it her personal mission to make my life a living hell. "Babe, I was looking for you." She touches his arm and looks at me. " And why are you with this slut". She pops the 't' and proceeds to chew her gum.

She has blonde beautiful hair, and a pretty face Well thanks to Doctor. She got her nose done and her tits.

"I'm not the one who sleeps with every guy my eyes land on". She squints her eyes. "Well, I'm glad I'm not the virgin that no one wants". I rolled my eyes. "That's fine with me," I said and then walked out of the room with my bag. Heading to my next class, Calculus is one of my favorite subjects.

It's always like this with her she really hates for me no reason.

My Sister Is also in this class so that's one good thing being in class alone is really boring. I was the first one there as always, so I decided to listen to some music as I always do.

I scrolled through my Phone and clicked the first playlist I saw. After a while, students started to come In and my sister sat next to me." I was wondering If you like to do me a favor and tell mom that I'm at Sam's house for the weekend".

"Why should I and plus she'll never believe that you're there". I took off my music and took my books from my backpack. "Come on. She wouldn't believe me if I tell her myself, Please"! She squealed.

"Okay but That will be after I go to my appointment at the hospital". I told her and she gives me a look of sadness." I hope It goes away I don't want to lose you to anything ever". She hugged me and That just made me feel like shit I don't like to see my family cry or be sad over me I just want to be treated like a normal teen.

I have to go to the hospital for an appointment today, To get another test to see If I'm getting better although everyone knows the answer but still try to be optimistic. I gave her a smile and the teacher came into the class and started to teach.

"Okay everyone, So as you guys know I sent out a message to the parents that concerning today's pop quiz, So take out your pens, and let's start cracking". Mrs. Bennie said and a few people started to groan.

"Are you ready for the quiz"? Liliana asked and I nod. "Are you"? I asked putting my books back in my bag. "Kind of, didn't really get to study but I'll have to wing it". We giggled and hit our elbows together.

Mrs. Bennie walked around passing out the quiz papers. "When You get the paper start immediately we don't have all day". She said.

She gave me and Liliana a paper and we started. Multiple choice is always easy. When I was done I raised up my hand and She hi acknowledged me. I walked up to her table and gave her my paper and walked out of class.

"Nerd". I heard before I left.


Zach's POV

"Guy's let's do a bet". Devon said. Now, this Is interesting. "What about"? I asked. "If you could sleep with a virgin you win fifty bucks and you have until the winter dance to do it". He said. "I'm in, You all know this is going to be easy for me". I said.

"I don't think we should start back this bet thing... in if you start having feelings for her and you regret it". Liam said. "That won't happen and guess it's a deal". I said and Liam shook his head and looked away to two girls, I assume are freaks. Oh right, that's the girl who's in my class.

"Her...The one with blue eyes, Liliana's sister". Stephon said. "Liliana has a sister"? "Yes". Liam said. "She's the right girl, Never been touched". Devon said.

"So you ran a background check on her, huh"? I asked. "Let's just say I know a lot of chicks who know chicks". "Okay, well you guys get ready to pay up soon, pretty soon actually cause this one's going to be very easy".

It was now lunch time and I'm walking down the halls and I heard someone singing one of my favorite songs in the music room. I opened it and I saw her. Her back was facing towards me and she was playing the piano.

Her voice was amazing, sounds so unique. "For now the day bleeds and into nightfall and your not here to get me through it all. I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug, I was getting kind of use to being someone you loved".

I started to clap and she stopped singing and she turned around and She looked startled to see me.

One look into her eyes and I could tell that she was different, her eyes were beautiful. I saw something flashed in them and I saw fear. "You sound good". I told her "Uh, how long have you been standing there". She said standing up while playing with her fingers nervously.

"I saw you came in here so I followed you In here and your voice is pretty good". I walk over to the guitar. "Thanks. You pla-".

Anaya walks in and she stops talking. She's so annoying we only did it four or five times or maybe more than that and she thinks we're a thing. "Babe I was looking for you and why are you here with this slut"? Amaya asked. "I'm not the one that sleeps with every guy she sees". Eliana said. "Well, I'm not the virgin nobody wants".

That's where she's wrong, I do want her virginity. She walks out leaving me with Amaya and she starts kissing me.


Eliana POV

I walked into the library and started to review my physics homework. Halfway through it I started to get bored so I closed my book. When I was done I looked up and got startled. "why do you keep doing that"? I touched my chest.

"I just came". I squinted my eyes at him. "What do you want"? "I rather not say but do you want to get out of here"? "Have you lost your mind, I don't skip school, I think not".

"Well if you say so. Have fun with staying in school and having to hear Mr Raymond rant on about his ex-wife". He has a point, that man doesn't teach and puts everyone to sleep and doesn't mark the role. He gets up to leave.

"Wait, I'm coming". I get up and walk with him and he gives me a smirk which made me roll my eyes. We walk out of the school to the parking lot making sure not to get seen by anyone or else I'll be in trouble. His car looks really good. I walked over to the passenger side and got in and he got in and started the car.

"Where to"? I asked while putting my seatbelt on. "You'll see". I rolled my eyes at his behavior and searched through his BMX for a song to get distracted. I started mumbling to a lil kid laroi song."I love that song but you clearly don't know the words".

"Oh shut up, You do it then". " I gat something to confess, I ain't been doing my best and neither have you, girl, I know, I know ". I rolled my eyes looking out the window. I'm not going to lie he can actually sing but I'm not going to let his head get even bigger.


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Tik Tok: exotic.bhadie

Youtube: exotic bhadie


Twitter: Mahliana p

Instagram: exotic.bhadie

Soundcloud: Mahliana Tv


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