I messed up

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Zach's POV

It ha been a week since she found out. She never came to school. I messed up so bad .I tried going to her house but she won't answer me and her parents won't let me talk to her .All I wanted to know was how she found out and everyone else.

No one was there when I told the guys and the boys won't snitch on me like that. But Anaya was there. She must be a stupid bitch to do that.

I saw her talking with her friends near the toilet and laughing at something she said. I grabbed her hand tightly and she faced me.

"Did you tell Eliana about the bet". I asked and she smirked moving closer to me."Yes, I guess she needed to know that guys like you don't go for girls looking like her". She said and that made me so annoyed with her worse than I did before.

"So now there is just us ".She said touching my arm."Are you dellusional"?I asked Rethorically."There will never ever be an us,So back the fuck off".I yelled moving her hands away forcefully.

She gasped as tears formed up in her eye and she quickly wiped it away.People started to laugh at her even more.I turned around ans I saw Sam near her locker,so I made my way to her.

I really needed to talk to Eliana."Hey".I said when I got there."You have some nerve talking to me".She tensed up and slapped me across my face.I turned away with the inpact.I should of sawn that one coming.

"Where is she"?"None of your business.Your such an asshole looking bitch.How could do do that to her,My besfriend".She punched me in the nose.

Fuck.She knows how to swing a punch.I held on to my nose.

"She loved youand you used her,you disgust me".She saidshe said closing in her lockers getting ready to leave."I love her,I know I messed up.Please help me fix it".She turned around and faced me.

"You know how you could fix things"?I looked at her,Finally she's going to stop hitting me."By leaving her the fuck alone".

She kicked me in the balls."Iv'e been saving up that one".She said and walked off leaving me groaning and holding unto my balls as people started to laugh.

"What the fuck ya'll looking at".I yelled still groaning in pain.They laughed and walked away.


I misss her.I shouldn't have agreed to do the stupid bet.I love her,I love her so much.She's different from all the other girls.Her eyes,The way it's different colurs makes her even special in a good way,the way how she laughs not caring not caring who notices.

The way that she's clumsy then close around to see if anyone saw her embarrassing herself.Everything about her is just perfect.Never use to saw it before but now I do since she opened up to me.

Why did I have to be so stupid to lose her.I layed on my bed listening someone you use to love.I could remember when I firt had a proper conversation with her when I saw her in the music room singng this song.

The way she channeled her voice was perfect.

Flash back

It was now break time and I'm walking down the halls and I heard someone singing one of my favorite songs in the music room .I opened it and I saw her. Her back was facing me and she was playing the piano.

Her voice was amazing ,sounds so unique ."For now the day bleeds and into nightfall and your not here to get me through it all .I let my guard down and then you pulled the rug ,I was getting kind of use to being someone you loved".

I started to clap and she stopped singing and she turned around and She looked startled to see me.

One look into her eyes and I could tell that she was special ,her eyes were beautiful. I saw something flashed in them and I saw fear.

"you pla-"She was cut off by Amaya .She's so annoying we only did it four or five times or maybe more than that and she thinks we're a thing. "Babe I was looking for you and why are you here with this slut"? Amaya asked. "I'm not the one that sleeps with every guy she sees". Eliana said ."Well I'm not the virgin nobody wants".

That's where she's wrong, I do want her virginity .She walks out leaving me with Amaya and she starts kissing me.

End of flashback

Her voice is so amazing. God I love her so much. Why did I have to be so stupid .She's never going to forgive me.

I layed on my bed watching up at the ceiling scolding myself for messing up with the only girl I've ever loved like that. There was a knock on the door and I sighed.

"Go away". I said in my husky voice. The door opened and my sister Lela came through my room."I said go away". I told her. "Get out of my room"."NO ,mom said to come for lunch". She said and I cupped my hands over my face.

"I'll pass". "You haven't eaten since yesterday, Is it about the romour with you making a bet on Eliana"?

"It's true..All of it". said feeling drained. "You made a bet on her"?"Yes.I know it's stupid".I said sitting up looking at my phone then turning it off."Your such a dick why would do that to her.You guys were such a cute couple,your stupid".

She said.Yes wewe a cute couple."I really love her but she won't give me a chance to explain"."What is there to explain"?She's right either way I'm wrong.

She just loooked at me then sighed,"If you love her you shold go after".She said.I will she's mines and no one else's.

"Go get her and you stink "She says fanning her and over her nose and then left."Oh wait, Your friends are here to see you".She states and walks off.I sigh again and got up to get dressed.I took a shower and then got dressed in my sweatpants and vest.

I brushed my teeth and when I was looking in the mirror. I looked terrible. After that I went downstairs and I saw them there, sitting around the table with my family.


New chapter coming out tomorrow

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