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Zach's POV

It has been a month since Eliana's passing, A month of pain. Today was graduation, A day I thought I'd spend with her but she's gone. I took my shower and put on my suit.

After getting ready I sat on my bed with my head in my palms. I never thought that I'd do this without her. "Zach". Lela said while walking into my room. "It's time to go to school". She said and walked out.

I got up from my bed and made my way down stairs. "Babe, how are you doing"? My mother asked with sympathy. "I'm fine". I said getting into there car. You might be wondering why not my car well because after Eli's passing I've got into so much trouble and my parents grounded me.


"I'm truly honored to be speaking today I. We all know that you students have been waiting for this day. Many of you have finished your four years of high school and is now going off to do bigger and better things". The principle started his speech.

I was seated with my class mates in the front and my family was sitting at the back with the other parents.

"I know through out this year of 2020 we have lost a few students. In memory of Isaac Richard and Eliana Jacobs". As he said her name I started to tear up inside. "We will truly miss them, We hope that you students will be employed with the careers of your dreams and fulfil them. We hope that you seek big things. My quote I always like to use is You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world and this quote is by Tom Brokaw".

After the principle done his speech it was time for the award ceremony. They called out students name one by one and they went unto the stage and took there award. "Sam Scott with a degree in garment production, mathematics and chemistry". The schools secretary called and Sam shook the persons hand and took her award then walked off the stage.

"Liam Jermaine degree in PE and biology". "Zach labor with a degree in PE and music". She called my name and I walked up and took my award. Looking down at the camera flashing in my face while students cheered for me.

I'm not that surprised that I'm smart. I walked down and as I took a seat her name was called. "Eliana Labor with a degree in theater and arts, History, Sciences, Mathematics and language. Can someone come and collect her award please".

A tear dropped on the side of my face as I watch her Mother walked unto the stage crying as she collected her daughters awards. I miss her so much, I've never missed someone like I miss her.

After graduation I was walking down the hall to drop back my gown. I looked at her locker. There was a picture of her and a lot of flowers and cards.

Her smile was so beautiful and now she's gone. I looked around and I saw her. "Eli"? I asked and she walked away and I followed her trying to catch up to her in the crowd of students in the hall.

The walked into the music room and I followed when I got there she weren't there. I could swan I saw her hair.

I sat on one of the chairs and took up the guitar. The love of my life is gone and that's the worst feeling I have ever felt in my entire life. I took out my phone and recorded myself singing.

I played the guitar and just sang."Ohh, don't give up on me cause I won't give up on you. There's fire burning inside of me, You leaving makes it harder for me ohhh, Don't give up on me love. I'm sorry that I made you feel this pain".

I sang playing the guitar . "I'm sorry that messed this up for us but don't give up on me, I could still see you in my my dreams. I could still feel you next to me oh baby, babey ,babe please don't give up on me". I sang.

I now know what I should be.. A singer.


I got a ride from my parents to go by the cemetery .I could leave without saying goodbye to her. I'm leaving to go off in England tonight and I just had to say my last goodbyes. I looked down at her grave and looked at her name. I placed my flowers on it.

"I'm leaving to go off to college in England, I really wish you was still here with me, I wish I didn't mess up and I'm so sorry for all the pain I've made you feel. I love you Eliana Jacobs". I said and left.

**1 year after

"I'm sorry that messed this up for us but don't give up on me, I could still see you in my my dreams. I could still feel you next to me oh baby, babey ,babe please don't give up on me". he stopped the recording.

After graduation I've decided that I want to be a singer and in an interview about my song live.

After college I had recorded my song in a booth and in just went viral all around the world. I couldn't have done it without her. I was on tours and doing everything.

"What was your inspiration"? He asked me. "My inspiration was my ex girlfriend, she died from cancer a year ago". "I'm sorry for your lost. She must have meant everything to you looking at these lyrics.

"Yes she is my world. After her passing I was on the verge of committing suicide when I could of sawn I heard her saying don't give up and now here I am".

"Don't give up".


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