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edited August 1 2014

Not that I'm complaining or anything, but I can't deny that I'm totally shocked that, that girl let us go so quickly once the boy told her where we're from. Also, her last words to us echo over and over in my mind: 'See you soon'. I have a horrible nagging feeling that we will be seeing her soon. I can think of nothing I'd hate more. I really did not want to see her at all!

"What happened up there?" Connor questions us as soon as our feet are planted back on the ground again. I can't even manage to get out in words what just happened. It was way too confusing. One minute a crocodile was trying to kill us, then a twelve or thirteen year old girl was and then, they let us go. There's something way too fishy about this. (And I'm not just saying that because we're by a river and we were almost killed by a crocodile..).

I look over at Desiree who looks pale and just about as confused as I am. She keeps looking up to the terrace in fear.

She begins to tell them with a shaky voice what I couldn't manage. She tells them everything and she admits to them that she's suspicious about the girls final words. At least I'm not the only one. What did the girl mean? I'm so hoping we won't have to see her again any time soon.

"That's weird, but maybe we should leave. We really don't want to get caught by Chiron!" Travis says gesturing over to Blackjack and the other Pegasus. We all agree with that and hop on to the Pegasus' back. Trust me, I'd much rather ride my old friend Festus over these things. They are so uncomfortable!

It takes us ten minutes, maybe, to get back to the Camp, avoid the Harpies (With Ella's help) and get to the cabins.

"Well, let's never speak of that again, ever!" Desiree says as she stops outside the Demeter cabin. Connor and Travis have already slipped into their cabins which leaves the two of us. Desiree and I may not get along exactly, but I'll admit: she wasn't too bad tonight.

"Let's not talk of what, exactly? How you held my hand when you were scared?" I tease her. She narrows her eyes and does the most expected thing ever: she punches my arm. I rub it, scowling at her. Well, I guess I was basically asking for that punch.

"You are an idiot. I wasn't... scared," she lies. I just smile, making her more mad. She purses her lips and turns away into her cabin, closing the door in my face. Although I won't admit it out loud, I say I was probably far more scared than she was. I mean, the crocodile was huge!

I walk towards my cabin, my heart still racing. I thought back at the terrace that I was going to go all torchy. That tends to happen when I'm excited, scared or, basically when I get too emotional about things. Everybody in my cabin is sound asleep.. except Nyssa of course.

She sits up in her bed, glancing nervously over at my bed until she sees me standing there. Immediately she jumps out of bed, storms over to me and punches me in the chest. I always inform Nyssa if I'm not coming back to the cabin. Usually I stay at Bunker Nine. Obviously, though, I didn't tell her my plans for tonight.

"Where in Hades have you been?" She says aggravated. Unless you haven't guessed, everybody here looks up to me, so of course they were worried about me. Uh, well of course Nyssa was worried about me.

"Out," I simply tell her, pushing past her and falling on to my bed with a little tuff. I can tell she's scowling even if I'm not looking at her. Yeah, I tend to make her scowl a lot. She said that I'm impossible to control and need to grow up and act my age. Pfft, yeah right.

"You were out?" she hisses. I can hear from one corner of the room someone snort in their sleep- Harley. There's a silence as we make sure nobody's woken from their sleep.

Of course, no one has, so I decide it's okay to reply now. "Yes.. Did I not just say that?" I reply. "I really think it's time you got hearing aids," I add, looking up from my bed to see her face. She looks about ready to strangle me to death. I get that look a lot from her and also from Piper.

"Who were you with at this time of night? And where the heck did you go?" She asks me. Boy, Nyssa can be so, so nosy sometimes- a lot of the time. She doesn't need to know everything about me.. Jeez. But of course, I feel obliged to answer her as I always do.

"Desiree," I admit to her. "And Travis and Connor," I quickly add as she opens her mouth to speak. "And where we were and what we were doing was none of your business!" I cringe at how I made that sound. Not very appropriate in my eyes.

I'm guessing from Nyssa's expression she didn't like how that sounded at all. "Fine," I say. "We followed Chiron. And before you ask, we didn't find out much, we were too busy nearly getting eaten by a giant crocodile! Now, can you please let me sleep? I'm way too tired to be talking about what happened!"

Nyssa huffs, obviously wanting to know more, whirls around and goes back to her bed. So many things are going through my mind about what happened. Finally, after what feels like hours, I finally get to sleep. A very strange sleep too- of course I had a dream.

I'm outside by the lakes, the water lapping the shore, the breeze is whipping my cheeks and the naiads are making baskets below the lakes surface. I smile; it's weird because it feels like this should be where Percy is: by the water. I'm fire; water and I don't exactly mix- which happens a lot with Percy and I. There's an eeriness about this place- for one thing, it's night time, but the light from the moon lets me see what's happening, and it's also strangely quiet. No Harpies can be heard, only the sound of the lake.

That's when I hear a cackling noise. I turn to find the source. Behind me is a projector which is projecting a very fuzzy image of a large man, with dark stains all over himself- my father, or should I say, Hephaestus.

"Look, I don't have very long, Leo," my dad's voice sounds so urgent so I know I need to pay attention. Every thought removes itself from my head at that moment so I can memorize what he has to say to me. "There's a danger coming. Two dark sides have joined together to destroy you all.. The Romans, the Greeks and even the Egyptian Gods, and hosts. Zeus knows but won't tell you what is happening. You know he's very stubborn about depending on you. Warn the other camp. You must join forces once again-"

"Really? It didn't go so smoothly last time," I remind him. "What is trying to destroy us? It couldn't possibly be worse then Gaea."

"I'm afraid to say it is. She wants her throne back and will destroy everything to get it. You must find her and defeat her before it is too late!"

"Find who?" I demand. The way he is being so mysterious and freaky about it panics me out a lot. Why can't he just tell me out front who it is trying to get her throne back? She wants her throne back..? Who wants their throne back?

The image of my dad begins to flicker and a buzzing noise is heard, like a telly when you've lost all signal. "I'm sorry, I have to go."

My eyes flick open, panic welled up inside of me. Something horrible is going to happen to us. I need to tell someone. Chiron? Definitely. He probably knows a lot about this, and I need information, fast.

Quickly, I get dressed and run out from my cabin and run to the Big House where I guess he would be- of course he's with Dionysus, but he's also surrounded by a crowd of people I have never seen before.

A girl with blonde hair, and red highlights turns when I give an awkward cough announcing my presence. I scowl instantly. It's the same girl from the night before, and clinging to her arm is a.. monkey? I gulp, feeling dread all of a sudden- this is not good. What the Hades are these guys doing here?!

One Hero at a Time (A Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles cross over!)Where stories live. Discover now