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edited August 1 2014

So, whatever happened inside doesn't seem to last too long. I feel somewhat disappointed because for once, I'm far too curious to know what's going on to let this go. There was something in the way Chiron acted that made me crave for more information. It's hopeless though, to expect to find out anything from him. Chiron would tell us some things and leave the rest for us to figure out for ourselves.

"I think we should just go back," Travis says after we try to find a way into the mansion but with no luck. The place is protected so well, and I wonder how. Is it like Camp Half Blood? On the other side of the house is a river which actually faces Long Island. I swear, it's actually amazing how close we are and never knew that either existed. Well, how am I to know that they don't already know about us? Chiron obviously knows about them. Plus, maybe these guys are the bad guys who set those Ureaus out to attack us.

"Yeah, Leo, I have to agree with Travis. We won't be able to get in. I think we should just go," I agree. Leo ignores us both, patting the walls as though it would actually be of some help. In the silence we hear some noise coming from what appears to be a terrace.

"Maybe we can climb up and listen from there," Leo suggests. Connor, Travis and I all sigh, losing our motivation. We'd be seen, and from what I heard, surely somebody has to be up there keeping guard. Leo turns to see our expressions and realizes we aren't as hyped up as he is about this anymore. "Oh, come on! If it comes to it, we could so take these guys on!" He fills himself up with way too much hope. How would he know that? These guys could be like, I don't know? Minor gods?

"Fine!" Connor and Travis say in unison. Leo claps them both on the back. All three turn to face me expectantly. This is not going to end well. I scowl and sigh deeply knowing that this is a terrible idea.

"Oh, go! I'm right behind you!" I huff after a minute of debating the pros and con's in my head. Leo, Travis and Connor all smile and lead the way to the terrace. After much debating on how we would get up there, they come down to a horrible decision which involves me, sadly.

Leo and Travis both would cup their hands so that my feet can lodge themselves into their cupped hands, and then they'd push me up, and so on until we could hoist whoever was left down below.

I put one hand resting on Leo's shoulder while I place my foot into his hands. I do the same for Travis and they push up until I can catch the railings with my hands. From nervousness, my palms are clammy, and my grip isn't great. With much effort I manage to haul myself up onto the terrace. With the darkness around me, I can't see very much around the terrace, only the bare outline of objects. I see no movement, so I turn to help the next person up.

I see Connor and Travis helping Leo up. I grab onto his hands, using every ounce of my strength and help pull him up over the railing. That's when we hear a splash. Leo and I both freeze immediately. Hastily, we both turn and come face to face with a very large, scary looking  crocodile. Its mouth is wide open, and we get a good look at its sharp teeth. It's staring at us as though he just got served dinner.

I let out a blood curdling scream not caring that this is awful karma for sneaking onto their property. I grab onto Leo's arm, terrified, but ready to run. I can hear Travis and Connor calling up to find out what is happening. I can't find my voice to answer them, it just comes out as: "AGH!"

I hear doors swing open and a light is turned on to illuminate the outside terrace. The crocodile looks even more terrifying. It's white, with red eyes, and I realize it's an albino crocodile. He's chomping down as though ready to eat us- but it's distracted by the opening of the doors.

A girl with blonde hair appears and says something I don't understand, and an image appears above her hand.

The large crocodile suddenly seems to be shrinking, and continues to shrink until he turns into a small wax figure. How on earth did that just happen? One second there was a crocodile and now in its place is a mini wax figure. I suddenly feel more nervous of this girl than the crocodile.

The girl (who looks younger than me- maybe fourteen at most) turns to face Leo and I. Embarrassed I realize my hand is still gripping Leo in fear. Awkwardly, I rest my hand at my side. The girl is glaring at us both and pulls an object from her pocket. A long.. wand?

"State your business before I kill you," she says fiercely. Her eyes look outraged and she does look like she's going to kill us. A boy who has dark skin appears by her side followed by another boy who also has dark skin but much lighter than the firsts.

"We.. Uh.." Leo stammers. I cringe; he is so not helping us right now.

"Leo! What's going on up there?" Calls up Connor. I sigh as the girl runs over to the fence and looks down to the boys. She turns and scowls at me and Leo. My heart is racing and my face is drained of colour, I'm so nervous. Is she going to turn us into wax? I definitely don't want to spend my life as a wax figure. Gods, I feel sick. We deserve this, though. We trespassed.

"You see, it so happens that we have lost our centaur!" Leo says rather sarcastically. Unfortunately, it seems he's found his voice again. "You didn't happen to see him? Body of a horse, torso of a man? He tends to stand out from the crowd.." Leo trails off when he sees the look of anger I'm giving him.

"You mean Chiron?" asks the boy with the lighter dark skin. "Yeah. He was here. Who are you, exactly?"

"Leo Valdez, and this flower girl here is Deziree," Leo tells the boy. The girl is still looking at us as though trying to figure us out. She doesn't look too happy or welcoming at all. Well, I can't exactly blame her for not looking both. After all, we were caught trying to sneak into their home. I glare at Leo with his new nickname for me. "And below is Connor and Travis Stoll. You?"

"Carter Kane," replies the boy hesitantly. "Didn't Chiron come alone?" He adds not bothering to introduce us to the others.

"See, that's the thing. We aren't supposed to be here, exactly. Well, Chiron told us not to follow him actually. So, if you just let us be on our way.." I say with a little edge of hope in my voice. I knew that this was a very bad idea. Nobody listens to me, ever, though. I suppose I did want to come along, so I can't blame anyone else.

"No, I think you should join us inside. I'm sure Chiron would be more than happy to see you when we contact him," the girl says rather happily. I guess the idea that we would be in trouble pleases her a lot. I'm guessing I'm not exactly going to get along with this girl at all. I can tell she's stubborn.

"It's fine, really," Leo said grabbing my wrist and pulling me along closer to the barrier of the terrace. "We really should be going. It is getting late and all.." Leo pretends to check an imaginary watch. We are so close to the fence now. Maybe we can hop it, get on to the Pegasus, and get away from here. I don't get too enthusiastic about my plan, though.

"No, really, I insist you must," the girl persists. "Or, I could bring Philip back." She indicates to the wax figure laying on the ground. She scoops it up into her hand and twirls it around innocently on her palm. I know she's not bluffing, and my hands begin to shake.

"What about Connor and Travis? We can't leave them down there," I mutter to Leo.

I guess she hears me. "Then I'll open the front door and let them in too, the more the merrier," she replies with a sarcastic tone to her voice. I scowl at her.

Slowly, my hand clasps around the hilt of my sword which hangs in its scabbard by my side. I don't know what her wand can do, but I'm hoping my sword will be enough to help us if we need to defend ourselves.

"Look, let's not cause an argument and turn this into a fight. Just let us go and we won't have to harm you," I say attempting to make my voice sound as though I'm not panicking inside my head right now.

"Hey, we aren't fighting you," the very dark skinned dude says. "Sadie, just let them go. They're obviously from the camp Chiron told us about." He whispers something to her and Sadie smiles.

"Fine," she says to us. "See you soon."

One Hero at a Time (A Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles cross over!)Where stories live. Discover now