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A/N: Just read A/N at the end, because i have important things to say (kind of important- relevant to the story, anyway). Also, yes... Deziree's POV again!! 


Annabeth and I walk back to New Rome together. I feel somewhat nervous, and slightly embarrassed. Of course I had to go and faint... and in front of Will, too! Why do I have to have the worst luck ever? 

I shake my head.

Why did Bellona warn me? I'm so... boring, compared to the amazing Demigods I see in Camp Half Blood. Why would I be relevant to this upcoming... war? Is there going to be a war? I mean, I doubt I was shown Camp Half Blood for no reason. My whole body felt like ice- cold, and numb. I can't stop my hands from shaking, no matter how hard I try.

"Desiree," Annabeth begins before we reach the Forum. I turn to face her, clenching my hands into fists in an attempt to get them to stop shaking. "Whatever happens, have a plan. Okay?"

I nod my head slowly.

When we walk into the forum, the group sit around, talking in hushed voices. I hear stuff such as this is bad and we're screwed. I had Leo to thank for that last comment.

Will standing up abruptly when he sees us brings their attention to Annabeth and I. Nobody knows what to say, and they all stare at me wearily. I guess they all expect my eyes to start glowing, or something. No doubt Will told them everything.

I'm about to say something, like, "hey", or something like that, when Will comes rushing towards me.

My cheeks grow hot when he pulls me into a hug. I let out a shaky breath, which I had been holding in. Gods, I'm more anxious and scared than I thought I was. Although I'd love nothing more than to hug Will back, my  hands stay limply by my side, but I do bury my head into his chest. 

He pulls away and looks at me in concern. His hands hold onto my shoulders, and I know my cheeks are bright red. "Are you alright?" he asks quickly, searching my eyes for any indication that I'm hurt. 

"I'm fine," I say quietly.

"Are you-?"

He's cut off by Reyna, who coughs, interrupting us. "We need to discuss what happened up there, Desiree," she tells me. Will drops his hands from my shoulders.

I tell them everything that happened. Nobody looks happy about what I tell them.

"She's coming?" Frank Zhang says.

Annabeth purses her lips. I can almost see the gears turning in her mind. Her eyes look clouded as she thinks everything over. "There's... there's a story of one titan. It might be her."

"Another Titan trying to kill us?" Leo asks, letting out a sigh. "Wonderful."

"Who?" Sadie asks urgently.

"It can't be, though.." Annabeth trails off, shaking her head in frustration. "The mother of the gods. Rhea."

"Wait, hold up," Percy says. "Rhea? As in Kronos wife?"

"The one who made Kronos eat rocks instead of Zeus?" I add on, not entirely sure myself.

Annabeth nods. "Yes, her. Kronos heard that one of his children would overpower him, and rule Olympus. So, naturally, he ate his children."

"Naturally," Leo agrees.

"Rhea decided she was going to stop Kronos. Before Zeus could be ate, Rhea sent him away to be hidden, and gave Kronos rocks wrapped in cloth. Kronos ate it, indifferent. Zeus grew, and trained, and then made Kronos throw his children back up, and then chopped Kronos into pieces. Zeus claimed the throne, and Hera rules beside him as queen. Nobody really knows what happened to Rhea after that."

One Hero at a Time (A Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles cross over!)Where stories live. Discover now