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Edited: July 31 2014

Okay, I'm going to be real here- I am far from normal. I just never realised how abnormal my life is until it was a little too late. I never considered that I could perhaps be important in uniting two sides. Oh, you've heard that before about the Greeks and Romans? You have absolutely no idea how different my situation is.

So, things mainly started getting weird when we were attacked by these snakes. I mean, snakes with wings. Yeah, basically nothing is ever normal in my life.

Um, maybe I should go back a few hours.

It's a pretty average day; the sun reflects off of the lakes surface, sweat glistens on our foreheads as we do our training. The sun bores down on us on this hot, hazy summers day, its rays burning the backs of our necks. It's just your typical day at Camp Half Blood.

I guess it isn't exactly an ordinary camp. It's a camp for people like me: demigods. You know the stories about the Greek gods? Well, those stories are not myths. Every now and then a god comes down to earth and falls for a mortal, and then they have children, like me. My mom is a Goddess. Demeter. In my opinion, my mother isn't exactly a cool goddess. I've never met her before, but Demeter children aren't taken very seriously, which bothers me a lot.

Demeter is the Goddess of the harvest, life and death. She stays down in the underworld with my.. er, sister? Persephone is married to Hades, ruler of the underworld.. So.. In a confusing way I guess he's my brother in law? Hey, I don't know how these related to the Gods thing work, I'm only sixteen, I can't be expected to know everything! Plus, the whole who's related to who thing is mostly ignored.

Being the daughter of Demeter, I have this power where I can grow plants and such at will. It may not be considered the most amazing power for a demigod, but it has its perks when it came to payback when certain sons of Hemes try to prank us.

Anyway, to explain what exactly happened; I stand at the top of the climbing wall sighing in relief and victory. Desiree one hundred; Lava zero. Miranda Gardiner and Katie Gardner are standing at the bottom cheering me on.

All three of us look scarily alike. We all inherited our mothers black hair along with her brown eyes. If it wasn't for my freckles on my face, people would probably think we're triplets. Katie has a more rounded face, while Miranda has a thin face with a pointed chin. Their orange camp half-blood t-shirts are stained with mud and grass like mine, but mine also has scorch marks on it.

"Come on, let's get cleaned up, I bet dinner will be done soon!" Miranda calls up to me. Glad to take a break from training, I hurl myself to the bottom of the wall and land next to them. I unlatch myself from the rope, and sprint after Katie and Miranda.

The pavilion is surrounded by four large Greek pillars on a hill which overlooks the sea. The day sky turns pink in colour as the sun begins to rest after a long day, and the world looks as though it's on fire.

I sit down with my half brothers and sisters at the Demeter table. Food is being served out, and everyone waits for each other at my table. Just as we're about to rise and offer the best part of our meal to Demeter, a shriek arises from the Aphrodite table. Drew Tennaka looks horrified up at the sky, pointing in alarm.

"What- what are those flying towards us?" Knowing Drew it would appear to be nothing more than a normal house fly- but something about her horror stricken face makes me look in the direction to where she's pointing. I'm not the only one who follows her gaze, and by the time I see them, people are already panicking.

In the horizon are the silhouettes of four odd looking flying things. It takes my eyes minutes to adjust to what I'm seeing. I make out the shapes of snakes; four of them. But that couldn't be at right, as they're flying. Snakes can't fly.. that's absolutely insane.

I see Chiron's tale flick nervously which happens only when something is deeply troubling him. His face grows pale as he gazes at the creatures heading straight for us.

Surely, hopefully, they can't get into the protective borders. But of course, being demigods, we don't have that kind of luck. Naturally the unknown creatures are smart enough to fly to a certain height and fly over the magical protection. Why do we always have to have the worst luck?

"Get ready to fight!" Chiron calls over the talk of the crowd. Immediately everyone gets up, grasping swords and arrows in their hands. Luckily too, because we soon learn that these snakes can't just fly, they can also breathe fire. And even better, they've brought back up. What must be over hundreds of these creatures fly down on us.

"Des, behind you!" Katie screams. Gasping, I turn and slice my sword down. There's a hiss from the snake and then steam. The snake bursts into dust which flows down onto the dry, green grass. One down, many, many more to go.

The Apollo cabin aim with their arrows shooting down at least twenty of the snakes. They burst into dust, giving out a final hiss before they die.

"Duck!" an Apollo son yells to me. I obey and hit the ground, my sword gripped tightly in my hand. An arrow whizzes above my head, followed by an outraged hiss, and then some bit of silence. 

I thank him, and begin slicing open these snakes. A snake blows out fire at me, which singes the end of my hair, and burns the side of my neck. I let out a cry, but someone has already killed the snake by the time I can react. I cup the side of my neck, and feel blisters already forming. I purse my lips, more determined to defeat these flying snakes.

I see people fall to the ground in pain, but soon the snakes are all gone.

The aftermath isn't great. People are bitten and sent to the infirmary and some are badly burnt and are being treated for by the Apollo cabin who look in no state themselves to be healing others. It's thanks to them mostly that the snakes were beaten so quickly. They have precise aim when it comes to a bow and arrow.

"Desiree, your neck," someone points out. My hand flies up to it again, and I look to the speaker. Will Solace is standing there, holding someone up, their arm around his shoulder. 

"It's fine," I lie, although I can already feel the blisters, and a throbbing.

He looks at me doubtfully, and I avert my gaze. He calls to one of his brothers, Paul, and he comes over. He hands over the person he was helping, and walks over to me as they carry the person away. His hand brushes my neck. His hand is cool and soothes the heat on my neck.

He begins to sing an ancient Greek hymn, and for a moment I'm dazed as he sings. The pain in my neck begins to cool, and after a minute, it feels as though nothing has ever happened to it.

When he pulls his hand away, it tingles where he has touched it.

"Good as new," he comments, smiling softly at me.

I rub my neck, feeling no blister, and I smile back to him. "Thanks, Will."

He runs off towards the other injured people, and my eyes followed after him.

All that's on my mind is: What in Hades were those creatures? We've studied so many creatures but never have I come across any creatures such as them. I look at Chiron who seems baffled at this. I decide I'm going to suck it up and get some answers- I'm not the only one either.

I join a group that is forming around Chiron. "What was that?" Clarisse exclaims just as I reach the group.

"I've never seen those creatures before!" Annabeth says, just as confused as the rest of us are. I can see in Chiron's eyes that he has a hunch at what those creatures might be.

"You know," I say before I can help myself. Chiron looks down at me expressionless. It's like trying to read a rock- impossible. He sighs and he flicks his tail once again.

"I'm afraid I do, and I fear that things may be changing at the camp once again, for the worst," he tells us solemnly. A collective whisper makes its way around the group once again.

"What do you mean? Tell us what they are," Percy demands, his camp t-shirt drenched in sweat. His green eyes search Chiron, as though hoping for an answer.

"I believe they are called Uraeus, Creatures of Ra.. Or, the Egyptian God of the sun.."

One Hero at a Time (A Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles cross over!)Where stories live. Discover now